Any chance of the source code being zipped up and place on soundforge?I fancy a play around but was having trouble getting CVS to play ball (probably just too stupid!)
I think the reason you are having problems getting the souce code is because all the files are in the attic. I did some searching on CVS and this means they were deleted and the attic is a kind of recyle bin.
If you select any file when you browse the CVS it says:
Revision 1.3
Wed Apr 21 12:30:33 2004 UTC (32 hours, 30 minutes ago) by yamp
Changes since 1.2: +0 -0 lines
Menu Admin/Login... (on the first start it takes you automatically to this dialog)
General Tab
Authentication: pserver
Path: /cvsroot/mediaportal
Host address:
Username: anonymous
Under CVSROOT you should now see:
Then OK. This should login you to the server. When it asks for password just press OK.
Then Menu Remote/Checkout module...
Modulename ist mediaportal
And path where you want to have the files.
On the next time you checkout to the same folder, it runs an update, not complete checkout.
Ok, so perhaps a solution, but not the "right" solution. On the client, within media portal configuration, under TV settings, advanced options, I switched to UNC paths instead of the default RSS, and it's working very well. Sure I had to figure out the paths, but no big deal.
Maybe helpful for someone in the future. Thanks for the...
Ok, so perhaps a solution, but not the "right" solution. On the client, within media portal configuration, under TV settings...
Hi folks. I have an issue with a new install/integration into my mediaportal system. I have a “mediaportal server” which has the TV...
Yes correct that would have solved it. I guess I was more interested in finding out what I had done to cause the problem as the error message was of no help.
By deleting everything I wouldn't have known so it was a learning curve for future reference.
Fully understood I thought that might be the case.
I also had some issues with...
Yes correct that would have solved it. I guess I was more interested in finding out what I had done to cause the problem as the...
I've just updated to Win 10 on a second drive and am installing MP 1.31. Having a bit of trouble with the install with the...