OK, thanks so much for giving me a better explanation of how views work. Your suggestion of using the Watched field in combination of manually sorting should work well enough for me.
OK, thanks so much for giving me a better explanation of how views work. Your suggestion of using the Watched field in combination...
Hi, I am a new user and have been testing setting up MediaPortal (MP 1 ver. 1.12) and MyFilms (ver., Catalog Type: Ant...
Hi, the version of MyFilms you use is probably the latest available in the public repo - and there is a known issue with the current trakt version, that I have fixed and posted in the forum here, but it is not yet pushed to the plugin repo - however, you could install it manually and see, if that solves your trakt issues.
Hi, the version of MyFilms you use is probably the latest available in the public repo - and there is a known issue with the...
I imported my movies and created a database without any problems using the defaults at setup. But discovered that fanart had only...
... I installed Avallanche and did some tests. I could not reproduce the distortion you mentioned in first post - when images are displayed, they also properly showed transparency. However, I noticed, that the skin implementation does not make use of the multiple image controls for collections, movie, person, group - and I noticed...
... I installed Avallanche and did some tests. I could not reproduce the distortion you mentioned in first post - when images are...
Hi guys,
I am not sure if this question should be posted in Myfilms or in the Skin Forum but I decided to start from here. I...
Thanks for the logs - didn't see a related exception, but also didn't see the log entries that update VDB with resume data :-( - so it might be possible that MyFilms doesn't do it for ISO files. Will have to debug that, which will take a bit more time, as I normally don't use ISO files myself. You can add it as issue to the tracker...
Thanks for the logs - didn't see a related exception, but also didn't see the log entries that update VDB with resume data :-( - so...
Thank you for this great tool
Can MyFilms Automatically keeps track of your playback so you can resume where you left off...
Thanks. I'll give that version a whirl. In the interum, I used the Ember interface to readily add a Catagorey to movies that were missing one and then set the Start and Stop Keys on the AMC Updater Detail page to <director> and </director> for those fields that were still misbehaving - Ember doesn't easily allow adding missing...
Thanks. I'll give that version a whirl. In the interum, I used the Ember interface to readily add a Catagorey to movies that...
I'm using Ember 1.3.20 to scrape nfo files into separate movie folders.
I've noticed that on home movies that I created a very...
Thanks for the answer. Parsing a xml file is no big deal. I will try to create this demo database and see if it's working.
If I can get my hands on a properly filled xml file I definitely can support MyFilms in the migration tool....
Thanks for the answer. Parsing a xml file is no big deal. I will try to create this demo database and see if it's working.
Maybe you've noticed that I'm developing MP2-Edit, an editor for the MediaPortal 2 media library. With this some tools to help...
True - but unfortunately it is not yet used/implemented - we still use the MP video DB for media files' last position, thus it is not possible for the user to create a view - sorry ...
True - but unfortunately it is not yet used/implemented - we still use the MP video DB for media files' last position, thus it is...
I'm looking for an option to list all begun movies in a nice view, any idea?
The issue seems to have disappeared. Don't ask me how. I guess there was no issue at all, meaning that the database was not realoaded on resume because the connectivity was lost (an old and unsolved problem with the hibernate function on Win7 which has nothing to do with MP or MF). Sorry guys, and thank you anyway.
The issue seems to have disappeared. Don't ask me how. I guess there was no issue at all, meaning that the database was not...
Thanks for the detailed explanation about the database mechanics. I can now follow up on it if ever I encounter similar issues again.
No. I really look at one single file on the drive, which I grabbed through a scan. Later I rescanned to complete some missing information, using a different search/match identifier and suddenly had two...
Thanks for the detailed explanation about the database mechanics. I can now follow up on it if ever I encounter similar issues...
Running movie detection with other grabbers has led to a few duplicate entries. I tried to delete these but probably I am...
I think the problem with "ember like setups" is, that we do NOT have a setup that "just works" - it requires some tweaking to get it properly up and running (which is also because there is so many possible variants for nfo like setups). I will comment in the respective thread.
I think the problem with "ember like setups" is, that we do NOT have a setup that "just works" - it requires some tweaking to get...
Two movies that I've added to the NAS are not getting imported, although the entries exist in IMDB and file names contain...
Ah, I misunderstood first post - thought you were talking about DB/xml file, but you're talking about the config file.
So forget about what I said before - this relates to the movie DB itself.
Re backup copies of config file - I looked into the code, yes, this copy happens on each start as noone complained about it yet. So it's not...
Ah, I misunderstood first post - thought you were talking about DB/xml file, but you're talking about the config file.
So forget...
Hi @Guzzi ,
I realized that upon every start of MediaPortal there is a new file MyFilms - date time Z.xml created:
What is the...
I am from France BUT my OS and all my software are in English.
I do not have any setting for "france" activated.
However I have noticed that in some case PVD scrapper was using the French IMDB page, rather than the English one. It's probably just imdb redirecting me to it, based on my IP.
I will update the tracker.
Thanks again
I am from France BUT my OS and all my software are in English.
I do not have any setting for "france" activated.
However I have...
Hi all,
First of all thank you all for this fantastic software, I am discovering it a second time as I was unsuccessfull 4 years...
Thanks for your information. I have also a very huge movie collection and I am afraid of loosing my database. So I agree that it's more safer (or easier for the scraper) if everything is stored in each folder. I will take a look at Ember Media Manager.
Thanks for your information. I have also a very huge movie collection and I am afraid of loosing my database. So I agree that it's...
at the moment I'm using MovingPictures but I want to switch to MyFilms. But first I have to create a movie database saved...
Dadeo's assumption is right - resume is using the mediafile info within MP - it is unfortunately not stored within MyFilms DB and thus not centralized. Iirc, we added a respective field to the schema long ago, but didn't finish to change the internal logic. If there isn't already am issue in the tracker, you might want to add one so...
Dadeo's assumption is right - resume is using the mediafile info within MP - it is unfortunately not stored within MyFilms DB and...
I have a problem with MyFilms. I have a central installation. And I can't get the function to resum from last viewed point when...
Hi Mike,
iirc, MF looks at the thumbnail settings of MP - so if you set them to better quality in Configuration -> GUI -> Thumbnails ("Quality"), you should get better thumbs. However, this will only apply, if the available thumbs themselves have at least that resolution of course. You might want to clear the thumb cache in MyFilms...
Hi Mike,
iirc, MF looks at the thumbnail settings of MP - so if you set them to better quality in Configuration -> GUI ->...
Hi guys,
First of all, I want to say thank you for the endless efforts of making and improving Myfilms, an awesome plugin of...
Did you try using the MediaPortal standard for multipart files (as documented in MyFilms wiki > Playing your films:
<moviename> -CD1.<ext>; <moviename> -CD2.<ext>
IIRC it should give you the option which disc to play, and automatically play the second disc after the first finishes.
Did you try using the MediaPortal standard for multipart files (as documented in MyFilms wiki > Playing your films:
I have several films with multiple disc images. MyFilms recognize this correctly and i can choose wich disc i want to play. But...
Well my issue is with Anti-virus (avast) which causes an app crash error to display (see my comments in Issue 411 in Tracker) which could be an issue only on my win8.1 64 bit system with avast AV. Simple solution is to add an exclusion for \MovieThumbnailer folder to AV, which MP wiki does advise for Anti Virus settings anyways :).
Well my issue is with Anti-virus (avast) which causes an app crash error to display (see my comments in Issue 411 in Tracker) which...
In the Description view of each movie, preview thumbs are not shown for some movies. It doesn't seem to be related with the movie...