playstation automation (1 Viewer)



in the same fashion that mediaportal can automatically play a dvd, can we get it to launch a playstation emulator if a playstation CD is inserted into the drive?

What do you all think?


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  • April 22, 2004
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    is there a windows event that says if a playstation cd is inserted? ;)
    I wouldn't count on this making it in anytime soon.


    You'll have to stick some code in where the dvd player is launched so it checks for a Playstation disk. I would imagine that PS disks have a specific file on them that you could look for.


    You (or someone else) SHOULD be able to disable the Windows Autorun function and write a small app that monitors you removiable drives. When it detects a change the app would have to know how to handle the different formats (VCD, DVD, PS disk, etc) and launch the proper application to play the media.


    MP already looks more promisng than xp mce. so having a neat feature likes this would only extend its appeal. And yes i beleive every ps1 disc does have a similar file in its root directory. :)


    My extremely thorough check (2 cds!) reveals that files 'system' and 'xa.xa' were on both cds. Get to it!


    powpowt1me said:
    My extremely thorough check (2 cds!) reveals that files 'system' and 'xa.xa' were on both cds. Get to it!

    awesome! thanks a lot man.
    can anyone help with this project. this certainly is an appealing feature.



    Welcome to Delta

    Brief History

    Basically one day was surfing around on emuforums as usual, and noticed a thread from someone enquiring how to autoplay psx cds. I can’t remember who it was though. Anyways I thought, ‘Hey that’s not a bad idea. Maybe I could give it a whirl.’ Here is the result, Delta.

    What is Delta?

    Delta stands for, Delta, Epsxe’s Little Tray-based Auto player. It does exactly what it says on the tin, i.e. it detects playstation cds upon insertion into your cd drive, and runs epsxe in order to play them on your pc. It also can be used as a frontend for epsxe, the batard, and epsxecutor.

    Delta Features

    · AutoPlay support for psx cds.

    · Multiple cd-rom support. (requires SaPu’s / Xevens cdr plugin)

    · Full Batard / Epsxecutor / Epsxe support. Delta can read/write game configurations from/to both these frontends. It also adds autoplay support to these apps.

    · Automatic game configuration. This would be my favorite feature ;). Game configurations created in either via Delta’s own game Editor, or imported from the batard or epsxecutor can be attached to specific psx cds. From then on, every time you insert that psx disk delta will automatically configure and run epsxe using that game
    configuration. You can even assign multiple cds to each configuration. Thanks to Pete Bernert and Xeven for permission.

    · Personalised tray icons. You can choose any icon to use as delta’s tray icon (Just in case you think my choice sucks, or you prefer a picture of Hikari next to your clock ;) )

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