Will there be... ? (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
May 4, 2007
is it planned to implement a genre search in Moving Pictures in the near/medium/far future?



Portal Pro
August 18, 2008
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United States of America United States of America
Just to clarify for the OP, the sorting in 0.7 will not be able to sort by genre. For that, you will need Filters. Because each movie has multiple genres, it is not feasible to sort by genre.


Portal Pro
August 27, 2007
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United States of America United States of America
Just to clarify for the OP, the sorting in 0.7 will not be able to sort by genre. For that, you will need Filters. Because each movie has multiple genres, it is not feasible to sort by genre.

This is unacceptable. I personally believe that Moving-Pictures should just know what I want to see on the screen and just play it without any user interaction. While you are working on that functionality, could you please also start working on a MP plugin that shovels off my sidewalk. I had to shovel my sidewalk when I got home from work today, and that was also unacceptable.

Thanks in advance,


Portal Member
May 4, 2007
Because each movie has multiple genres, it is not feasible to sort by genre.
I meant a function which is analogue to the one in My Videos: select a genre X and the displayed list shows only the movies which contain the genre X in their genre attributes. Jep, functionally it seems to be a filter. No need to hurry, good things require time. ;)

@LRFalk01: I dont really understand what you want to say... :confused:


Community Plugin Dev
June 7, 2007
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United States of America United States of America
Because each movie has multiple genres, it is not feasible to sort by genre.
I meant a function which is analogue to the one in My Videos: select a genre X and the displayed list shows only the movies which contain the genre X in their genre attributes. Jep, functionally it seems to be a filter. No need to hurry, good things require time. ;)
This will be available in 0.8, but unfortunately not in the next release (0.7). Thanks for your patience though :p

@LRFalk01: I dont really understand what you want to say... :confused:
I think he was being sarcastic. Or maybe facetious? In any case I think he is joking.


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  • April 2, 2008
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    Just to clarify for the OP, the sorting in 0.7 will not be able to sort by genre. For that, you will need Filters. Because each movie has multiple genres, it is not feasible to sort by genre.

    This is unacceptable. I personally believe that Moving-Pictures should just know what I want to see on the screen and just play it without any user interaction. While you are working on that functionality, could you please also start working on a MP plugin that shovels off my sidewalk. I had to shovel my sidewalk when I got home from work today, and that was also unacceptable.

    Thanks in advance,

    :D for making my day start with a big ROFL!

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