PureVisionHD 1080 DriveFreeSpace (2 Viewers)


Design Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 10, 2023
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Could you possibly avoid the gaps between the drives by combining the left and right columns each as a group? (n)


    Design Group Manager
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 13, 2007
    Königstein (Taunus)
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Could you possibly avoid the gaps between the drives by combining the left and right columns each as a group? (n)
    I´m trying to solve that with a switch visibility which atm does not work how I need it:
    Code Example:
    <label>#(switch( neq(#DriveFreeSpace.E.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage,0),'#DriveFreeSpace.E.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage', eq(#DriveFreeSpace.E.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage,0),'#DriveFreeSpace.F.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage', eq(#DriveFreeSpace.F.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage,0),'#DriveFreeSpace.G.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage', eq(#DriveFreeSpace.G.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage,0),'#DriveFreeSpace.H.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage', eq(#DriveFreeSpace.H.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage,0),'#DriveFreeSpace.I.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage', eq(#DriveFreeSpace.I.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage,0),'#DriveFreeSpace.J.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage', eq(#DriveFreeSpace.J.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage,0),'#DriveFreeSpace.K.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage', eq(#DriveFreeSpace.K.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage,0),'#DriveFreeSpace.L.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage', eq(#DriveFreeSpace.L.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage,0),'#DriveFreeSpace.M.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage', eq(#DriveFreeSpace.M.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage,0),'#DriveFreeSpace.N.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage', eq(#DriveFreeSpace.N.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage,0),'#DriveFreeSpace.O.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage', eq(#DriveFreeSpace.O.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage,0),'#DriveFreeSpace.P.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage', eq(#DriveFreeSpace.P.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage,0),'#DriveFreeSpace.Q.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage', eq(#DriveFreeSpace.Q.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage,0),'#DriveFreeSpace.R.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage', eq(#DriveFreeSpace.R.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage,0),'#DriveFreeSpace.S.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage', eq(#DriveFreeSpace.S.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage,0),'#DriveFreeSpace.T.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage', eq(#DriveFreeSpace.T.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage,0),'#DriveFreeSpace.U.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage', eq(#DriveFreeSpace.U.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage,0),'#DriveFreeSpace.V.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage', eq(#DriveFreeSpace.V.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage,0),'#DriveFreeSpace.W.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage', eq(#DriveFreeSpace.W.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage,0),'#DriveFreeSpace.X.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage', eq(#DriveFreeSpace.X.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage,0),'#DriveFreeSpace.V.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage', eq(#DriveFreeSpace.Y.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage,0),'#DriveFreeSpace.Z.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage', eq(#DriveFreeSpace.Z.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage,0),'', eq(1,1),''))</label>

    This is for not show the progressbar of drive E if not available and show progressbar of F instead (and so on)


    Design Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 10, 2023
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    I have made a small change in the settings file to better highlight the drives textually (see image). :)



    • settings_general.xml
      37.3 KB
    Last edited by a moderator:


    Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • January 31, 2005
    South of France
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    • #35
    Good idea to split the DriveFreeSpace stuff.

    Found that more than in home, it also appear in scheduled :


    Just an idea, it could also be interesting to have it in recorded.
    This example is only for travel PC but, with this info, it will avoid me to tell EACH TIME to my wife PLEASE, LOOK AT or, DELETE FILES in m'y home's HTPC !! :D


    Design Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 10, 2023
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    While testing the plugin I noticed the following:
    1) If a harddisk, e.g. drive H: is "empty", the expression #DriveFreeSpace.H.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage does not output zero, but instead there is no output! (see image).

    DriveH ohne 0.png

    To get 0% as output I used the logical expression #(iif(eq(#DriveFreeSpace.D.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage,''),'0%','#DriveFreeSpace.D.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage%')). (see attached file)

    DriveH mit 0.png

    2) For optical drives like e.g. here G: for #DriveFreeSpace.G.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage and #DriveFreeSpace.G.AvailableSpace.Percentage zero is shown respectively, i.e. with the expression <visible>!string.equals(#DriveFreeSpace.G.AvailableSpace.UsedPercentage,0)</visible> the visibility of the optical drive G: is removed.


    • settings_general.xml
      37.6 KB


    Design Group Manager
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 13, 2007
    Königstein (Taunus)
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Thx for your work, but you are testing a very early version where I only wanted to show my idea of the layout ;)
    I´m nearly ready with the final version which uses string expressions like switch, and, eq and neq which automatically place the available disks in the correct order from left to right and top to bottom ;)
    Please stand by - will inform you tomorrow


    Design Group Manager
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 13, 2007
    Königstein (Taunus)
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Well, here we finally go!
    Attached the settings_general.xml ;)
    Some remarks:
    The layout is made for 6 drives (C, D, E, F and G,) where at least drive C should be activated in DFS config.
    The other drives may be activated or not, not activated drives will not show, and activated drives will be in an order without gaps.
    Not activated drives show an empty red bullet (actually that is the left texture of the progressbar) ;).
    Maybe I do some more cosmetics as well as a short help screen how to configere DFS.
    BTW: If you look inside the xml code you hopefully understand why I did not prepare for all possible drive names (F to Z)
    Have fun testing :D

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