MediaPortal 1 Talk (281 Viewers)

General talk regarding our HTPC-software MediaPortal 1 takes place here.
Hello! Perhaps i'm too stupid to find the right plugin or it does not exist - but i hope you can help me. I record a lot of films from TV. At the moment they're all under the normal recorded tv shows. That's really bad. I would like to have something like moving pictures or so for them. But moving pictures is only ripped DVD (so...
Hello! Perhaps i'm too stupid to find the right plugin or it does not exist - but i hope you can help me. I record a lot of...
Hello! Perhaps i'm too stupid to find the right plugin or it does not exist - but i hope you can help me. I record a lot of...
Hi My Star/Showtime channel looked good when i scanned for channels, but now aftr some weeks it looks bad. When i change the frequency to the same as when i look directly on tv, there are no picture. On my TV the channel is S19 and the frequency is 287Mhz. In the TV server the Channel is 119 and the frequency is 0,00 when it...
Hi My Star/Showtime channel looked good when i scanned for channels, but now aftr some weeks it looks bad. When i change the...
Hi My Star/Showtime channel looked good when i scanned for channels, but now aftr some weeks it looks bad. When i change the...
Thanks for the reply... but I already use my INFO button for that... which gets the various overlays. I'm speaking of the menu that is to the left of the screen, sometimes an action menu that displays when you select the LEFT button (or UP when you are in filmstrip view). It would be nice to have a quick, one button solution for...
Thanks for the reply... but I already use my INFO button for that... which gets the various overlays. I'm speaking of the menu that...
On many of the MP screens are hidden menus. Sometimes the menu is not instantly accessible, such as in icon view of music or...
Solved it - the wwitv plugin will handle linking into asx streams, just have to modify the favorites xml file to reflect any streams I want to use. -Tony
Solved it - the wwitv plugin will handle linking into asx streams, just have to modify the favorites xml file to reflect any...
Hi all, I've found a set of .asx web streams that I would love to be able to watch thru my media portal on my big screen. I...
[deleted] :oops:
[deleted] :oops:
[deleted] :oops:
I suggest this improvement:
I suggest this improvement...
Folks, Not sure if this has been posted before (did a search and couldn't find anything) but I thought it may be of use...
MP1 MP2 Hardware decoding.. (1 Viewer) DE
I'm installing RC3 on my test box. I am still running pre RC1 on my main HTPC. It slows down, it has issues but you know what? A quick reboot and it works, every time. ATI Control Panel won't open, Hardware Acceleration doesn't work but none of that matters - bottom line it works and I don't touch it. Once it works - even...
I'm installing RC3 on my test box. I am still running pre RC1 on my main HTPC. It slows down, it has issues but you know what? A...
So I've just built a flash new mediaportal htpc for my bedroom. Here's the specs: CPU: AMD Quad Core Motherboard: GA-MA78GM-S2H...
Hi there I'm quite new to this whole HTPC thing. But I've build one and it's working! :) The next thing to buy is a TV-Card. I'm in to the FloppyDTV C/CI card. Looks like the bussines for me! Still though I have a question, I've read about Multi Channel Decoding and TV-Server, looks like something for me. But what does it take to...
Hi there I'm quite new to this whole HTPC thing. But I've build one and it's working! :) The next thing to buy is a TV-Card. I'm...
Hi there I'm quite new to this whole HTPC thing. But I've build one and it's working! :) The next thing to buy is a TV-Card. I'm...
Ok, I just decided that I really should go with an installer, people are complaining around me :) So there it is, the pre_alha_alpha package :) : Again there has not been any testing done by myself!!! I just tested it really quick on my server and it seems to...
Ok, I just decided that I really should go with an installer, people are complaining around me :) So there it is, the...
Hi all, Some of my friends were asking me if I could make my setup somehow available for them. These guys are all new to MP so...
MP1 MP2 BlackGold 6in1 DE
According to a similar thread on the avforums, there are issues with the satellite tuners that are currently being investigated by the makers of the card.
According to a similar thread on the avforums, there are issues with the satellite tuners that are currently being investigated by...
Hi everybody, I'm writing just to know if you have planned to extend mediaportal support also to this new...
No, can't help you with that I'm afraid - just an old dish and single LNB here. Rob
No, can't help you with that I'm afraid - just an old dish and single LNB here. Rob
Hi there, In MediaPortal how do I swich Satellite's from within the TV Guide? Once im viewing a channel and I press OK for...
MP1 MP2 UI slow down over time (1 Viewer) DE
any update on that? cuz, same issue here... - wachting tv for 5 up to 90min - stoping TV manually - surfing throug the menu, music application etc. takes ages the entire system slows down dramatically. only a restart fixes the problem - for the next minutes...
any update on that? cuz, same issue here... - wachting tv for 5 up to 90min - stoping TV manually - surfing throug the menu...
Hi Guys just seeing if anybody else is suffering from this to see if we can understand why it is happening. With my old...
MP1 MP2 Diskless boot DE
Anyone seen/tried this? Xtreaming Technology Inc. Essentially allows creating a VHD and storing on a boot server and allowing the client machine to boot from the vhd across the network. Cool idea, love to see it in action..! :o
Anyone seen/tried this? Xtreaming Technology Inc. Essentially allows creating a VHD and storing on a boot server and allowing...
Anyone seen/tried this? Xtreaming Technology Inc. Essentially allows creating a VHD and storing on a boot server and allowing...
What is that file and what should it contain? It said nothing about that in the example on the wiki
What is that file and what should it contain? It said nothing about that in the example on the wiki
I'm trying to connect and access the tv-server remotely using this simple piece of code: try {...
Fair enough point about consistency. A couple of responses: Firstly, I think I could explain to my girlfriend simply enough that you can choose four of your favourite channels which whenever you switch to them, you can always rewind 30 minutes prior to where you start watching. I think she would even understand that sometimes it...
Fair enough point about consistency. A couple of responses: Firstly, I think I could explain to my girlfriend simply enough that...
How many times do you sit down, flick on the TV, surf to a favourite channel and it's half way through something that looks really...
PIP linked to the epg, does sound rather nice, might take a bit of time for that one even if its possible, but i like the idea :)
PIP linked to the epg, does sound rather nice, might take a bit of time for that one even if its possible, but i like the idea :)
I know there will come no new features to mp right now, and maybe its not even possbile. Some days ago i saw a T-Home reciever...
MP1 MP2 MediaPortal Image DE
..why not make a default skin for mp, that does a combi between the simple and easy look, but with a complete new fresh style and add then all good new stuff we use in other skins, like animations and better layouts to it. thats the right way, i think we should go in future Harley
..why not make a default skin for mp, that does a combi between the simple and easy look, but with a complete new fresh style and...
Hi MP Team! 1:st, I will point out that I LOVE this software! I love the magic that you MP dev group do! But there is one thing...
hi I was sent this by Maxim as i am a member of theit forum. But it may help resolve a few issues. Most of what it talks about is over my head but id does show the you need the right type of HDMI cable if you are going to get good pictures. ‘Jitter Happens’ when a Twisted Pair is Unbalanced...
hi I was sent this by Maxim as i am a member of theit forum. But it may help resolve a few issues. Most of what it talks about...
hi I was sent this by Maxim as i am a member of theit forum. But it may help resolve a few issues. Most of what it talks about...
Hi there, Do any of you folks with a motorised setup have an export of your satellite's I can possibly use please? Im struggling to scan on certain satellites (thor for example). Also - can you tell me please when Tv Server expects a satellite to have a stored position - where does it get this information from? Is there any...
Hi there, Do any of you folks with a motorised setup have an export of your satellite's I can possibly use please? Im...
Hi there, Do any of you folks with a motorised setup have an export of your satellite's I can possibly use please? Im...
Wow, that was a quick response. Thank you tourettes. Good to know that those settings shouldnt be necessary for me.
Wow, that was a quick response. Thank you tourettes. Good to know that those settings shouldnt be necessary for me.
Actually i am running Vista MediaCenter without any problems. TV works flawless, even after standby. It wakes up and sleeps in for...
MP1 MP2 Dual boot DE
I spend a lot of time on this this weekend and made some progress. Unfortunately when I wanted to add the second HDD to mt HP z552 I found out that the MB has four locations for SATA connectors, but that only one is actually fitted ... bravo ASUS you must have saved a fortune here ... So instead I have been connecting and...
I spend a lot of time on this this weekend and made some progress. Unfortunately when I wanted to add the second HDD to mt HP...
Does anybody have any experience with running two versions of MP in a dual boot set up? I'm the one user that is still running...
To the point, is there a way of sorting movies in MediaPortal so that it ignores certain words at the beginning of a film title, like the word "The"? For example, at the moment "The Matrix" is listed under "T", whereas I would like the Matrix films together under "M". Whilst on the topic of film series, another thing that bothers...
To the point, is there a way of sorting movies in MediaPortal so that it ignores certain words at the beginning of a film title...
To the point, is there a way of sorting movies in MediaPortal so that it ignores certain words at the beginning of a film title...
MP1 MP2 Radio Webstreams DE
have you found a solution?
have you found a solution?
Hello, I can't seem to get the radio webstreams working.. I can load the sreams in windows media player and they work fine, but no...
MP1 MP2 Allowed actions while recording? (1 Viewer) DE
Scenario: MP TV-server and MP is installed in single seat. What can I do with my computer that doesn't crash my recordings? Can I... 1. Exit MP and use external players like VLC to watch a movie? 2. Surf the internet and watch streaming video? 3. Record live tv with other applications like GBPVR or Hauppauge recording tools? 4...
Scenario: MP TV-server and MP is installed in single seat. What can I do with my computer that doesn't crash my recordings? Can...
Scenario: MP TV-server and MP is installed in single seat. What can I do with my computer that doesn't crash my recordings? Can...
While this can be true to a small degree, you really are playing with fire when you start manually managing services like that. The print spooler is a perfect example of this; I used to run an RSS program on my HTPC that would format the RSS feeds for my torrent program - and it required the Print Spooler service to be running for it...
While this can be true to a small degree, you really are playing with fire when you start manually managing services like that. The...
I'm someone who wants to keep the mediacenter PC clean and thus have deactivated unnecessary services. Why would I need a printer...
its installed in the c:\dvbfix folder. the dll registration goes without problem.... The latest BDA drivers and firmware is installed... Still the same problem!!!! Please!!
its installed in the c:\dvbfix folder. the dll registration goes without problem.... The latest BDA drivers and firmware is...
Strange, reinstalled my PC with a DVD that has SP3 already integrated. After installing all required drivers and the dba driver...
I'll answer what I can: 2. Look in the plugins section for something called mptray to start mediaportal with the green button. I think you can also use the IR server suite to do this as well. To stop it from turning on the 360, you need to go into your 360's settings and change the remote to not use the vmc one, but limit it to...
I'll answer what I can: 2. Look in the plugins section for something called mptray to start mediaportal with the green button. I...
hey guys i have installed mediaportal and i must say its a lot nicer then vmc, but i have a couple easy questions i cant seem to...
I am in the middle of creating groups to assign channels. When having 800 channels it is hard to do a good job if you dont have the channel deleted from the list. I request a pane called "Channels Without a group" where you see all channels that have not been allocated. Assigning a group from there the channel should immediatly...
I am in the middle of creating groups to assign channels. When having 800 channels it is hard to do a good job if you dont have the...
I am in the middle of creating groups to assign channels. When having 800 channels it is hard to do a good job if you dont have the...
I'll assume from the lack of replies that this feature doesn't exist.
I'll assume from the lack of replies that this feature doesn't exist.
Hi all, After adding a film to the movie database is there a way within the Mediaportal listing to tell whether the film is...
Suspend Standby :thx:
Suspend Standby :thx:
Am trying to stop MediaPortal from putting my computer to sleep when I use an external utility to grab an EPG from the net. Have...
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