I have a twinhan dvb-s 1030A card.
Could someone tell me the right driver version and Media Portal version (+ cvs) to let it work...
I red all the posts and tried all the suggestions but nothing...
When i installed everything the way this topic says I got a fault message like"Unable to create graph for this device". Anyone any idea what's going wrong??
That has everything to do with the wrong CaptureCardDefinitions.xml. I used the one from the last cvs from version 0.2.0, with that file that message disappears.
Good luck, i have the same card, but I'm still not having TV, if You got it fully working, would you please provide your configuration?
Those signal numbers look fine. (y)
Unfortunately, I don't have any other suggestions as to the possible cause of your problem. :(
-- from CyberSimian in the UK
Those signal numbers look fine. (y)
Unfortunately, I don't have any other suggestions as to the possible cause of your problem. :(...
I've just rebuilt my htpc and added DVB-S and DVB-T cards TBS6281 and TBS6982. The system is all working well except for playback...
The only changes I see are: Updated Marcel Groothuis version of the plugin to now support Media Portal 2.5
I can't say anything about the functionality of this plugin, I don't use TV Part, but if there are any changes that can be simply transferred, then I can try.
But I can't give any guarantees.
The only changes I see are: Updated Marcel Groothuis version of the plugin to now support Media Portal 2.5
I can't say anything...
I am a long-time user of MediaPortal to watch TV. I use the Media Portal TV Server as a backend, and Kodi (previously known as...
Just those I attached.
I messed about with task priorities MP/TV-Server/SQL-Server and the issue changed to the skin.. I would do something, but it would be 10's of seconds before the action happened. Doing an Alt-Tab would flush the actions. Too weird lol!!
So, with some flak from the family, I had to give in. I just did a...
Just those I attached.
I messed about with task priorities MP/TV-Server/SQL-Server and the issue changed to the skin.. I would do...
So, this one has me quite stumped.
Have tried ) and a few things - driver updates, kicking the box, threatening it with a static...
Q1.) How do I tell what version of Media Portal 2 is installed? I installed Media Portal about a year ago and have not used it yet because of illness.
Q2.) If there is a newer version, what is the best way to upgrade?
Q1.) How do I tell what version of Media Portal 2 is installed? I installed Media Portal about a year ago and have not used it yet...
Q1.) How do I tell what version of Media Portal 2 is installed? I installed Media Portal about a year ago and have not used it yet...
I've setup my HDHomeRun in MP1 as (4) IPTV cards rather than Atsc. I can see the (4) Atsc cards, but just have them disabled. I did it this way so I didn't have to edit the channel names every time tested a new TV-server install. Anyway, it works. I don't know if this would get you past the BDA driver issue. I'll provide more...
I've setup my HDHomeRun in MP1 as (4) IPTV cards rather than Atsc. I can see the (4) Atsc cards, but just have them disabled. I...
I am brand new to MediaPortal.
I have installed MP 2.4.1 on Windows 10. It is a fresh install and fully up to date.
I have an...