Well, I can't fault the TV element of MP. It does exactly what it says on the tin, and has never caused me any grief whatsoever, I run a quad tuner setup, and it just works !. I switched over from MS Media Center some time ago, and have never regretted the move. MP is far more configurable, and I have found it way more reliable. Keep...
Well, I can't fault the TV element of MP. It does exactly what it says on the tin, and has never caused me any grief whatsoever, I...
I am using mp since version 1.1.3 (I think) and it's been quite a long walk to get to a media center that fully
meets my...
Just to add some more info to my last post, the problem continues in the latest 1.15 pre release, and is also persistent in various skins that I have tried. It would appear that the problem is within the main core of MP, and that what is required is a regular check of the radio epg to keep the mini display up to date.
Just to add some more info to my last post, the problem continues in the latest 1.15 pre release, and is also persistent in various...
The latest 1.14 release included info from the EPG in the mini "Now Playing" at the top of the screen and in the main "Now Playing"...
In general one avoid issues by running MPExtended service as a Windows admin account. This use should have access to the network shares.
But for starting a playlist you only need WifiRemote, Check the playlist section:
You can do all...
In general one avoid issues by running MPExtended service as a Windows admin account. This use should have access to the network...
I'm looking to integrate MediaPortal into my home automation system and am hoping for a way to programmatically do things...
After testing it out, I made a few changes and submitted it to be included in Mediaportal (probably 1.15.0) and added the missing logos to LogoManager. I didn't notice any of the problems you mentioned when trying it out in MediaPortal so it may be a Kodi issue.
Racing UK is actually the proper subscription channel running...
After testing it out, I made a few changes and submitted it to be included in Mediaportal (probably 1.15.0) and added the missing...
Over on the DigitalSpy forums, nedge2k has found a list of Arqiva's streams in another project and created a M3U for the...
One more follow-up: I had some issues with discontinuities causing tearing of the picture. After a bit of troubleshooting I found out that all of the sticks have a pretty loose antenna connector, or the middle part. I carefully squeezed the sides together a bit, and now they seem to work more reliably.
One more follow-up: I had some issues with discontinuities causing tearing of the picture. After a bit of troubleshooting I found...
Hi All,
since there hasn't been so much talk about DVB-T2 especially using a cheap USB stick receiver, I decided to try it out and...
LiveTV on latest Kodi "Jarvis" Beta is working quite nice on a FireTV.
Of course Hardware is not powerful enough for zapping, but even FireTV Stick is working without stuttering.
LiveTV on latest Kodi "Jarvis" Beta is working quite nice on a FireTV.
Of course Hardware is not powerful enough for zapping, but...
I bought a Amazon fire tv.
It's a nice device with a lot of streaming provider included.
I'm only missing a good and nice live...
Glad that it worked out for you:)
Unfortunately it's a little bit trickier and 0.5s will not always work. The optimal buffer size is a function of the hardware and the respective sound driver. MePo tries to read this informaiton from the sound driver during install. As you can see it is not always reporting good values...
Glad that it worked out for you:)
Unfortunately it's a little bit trickier and 0.5s will not always work. The optimal buffer...
Have just upgrade from 1.11 to 1.13 hoping to resolve this issue, but alas no.
These best way to describe this is that...
I've been using mepo for a long time, and one of my biggest peaves is when I've got my music playing on shuffle and some short intro/talking/etc track comes on in the mix. Preferably I want these files still available so that they play when on 'album play' - those intro's etc are essential then. Currently I'm zipping these files up so...
I've been using mepo for a long time, and one of my biggest peaves is when I've got my music playing on shuffle and some short...
I've been using mepo for a long time, and one of my biggest peaves is when I've got my music playing on shuffle and some short...
I finally got the new video card, a Geforce GT 740. This is capable of producing 4k resolution over HDMI, though only at 30hz because of HDMI 1.4 limitations. My television recognized the 2160p signal. As before, MediaPortal was able to switch over to 2160p while running without any problems.
For those who are curious as to how I...
I finally got the new video card, a Geforce GT 740. This is capable of producing 4k resolution over HDMI, though only at 30hz...
I will be getting a 4K television in the near future. I may also get a new video card for my HTPC that can output 2160p@30hz for...
I'd say any remote that is not imon/soundgraph is the best remote.
You might want to check this thread:
I'd say any remote that is not imon/soundgraph is the best remote.
You might want to check this thread...
Hmmm okay. Recording names are set using the EPG details from the program that is showing at the time the recording starts. I strongly suspect what you're seeing is caused by EPG changes after you create your schedule(s). I recall a few Aussies who acquire their EPG data from the stream (ie. DVB EPG grabber, EPG Collector etc.)...
Hmmm okay. Recording names are set using the EPG details from the program that is showing at the time the recording starts. I...
After upgrading to 1.12 server only running Kodi front end. I've started to notice the file name of the file can occasionally take...
Moin moin,
kann mich von der ausführlichen Zusammenfassung von resa nur anschließen.
Hatte mich aber auch für einen Windows Homeserver 2011 entschieden. War zu der Zeit wirklich das preiswerteste OS mit ca. 30€.
Den Rest habe ich drumrum gebaut ;).
OK, nicht immer kann man Netzwerkkabel ziehen. Wenn du Glück hast, funktioniert...
Moin moin,
kann mich von der ausführlichen Zusammenfassung von resa nur anschließen.
Hatte mich aber auch für einen Windows...
Ich hatte mich mit der Suchfunktion leider nicht an folgendes Thema herantasten können, deshalb versuche ichs mal hier...
TV guide in the US is a special topic. As far as I know there is no "off the air" data service like in Europe for DVB-S and DVB-T channels, but I may be wrong.
From what I've read in the forum for the US the recommendation is to go with a paid service (Direct Schedule) and load guide information from there. Run a forum search for...
TV guide in the US is a special topic. As far as I know there is no "off the air" data service like in Europe for DVB-S and DVB-T...
After I installed Media Portal 1, I do not have a TV Server Configuration Icon or file. Does anyone know what could have happened...
Ah, another VideoReDo user! I love it! Great support team.
I've never tried to convert an audio TS file to anything else though.
Obviously, I can listen to, and step through, an audio TS file outside MP, but it would be nice to be able to do everything from within a MP client. I suppose that the main difference, in MP, between video...
Ah, another VideoReDo user! I love it! Great support team.
I've never tried to convert an audio TS file to anything else though...
Is it possible to step through a recorded radio show when playing it back?
Thanks in advance.
Like all the forum contributors, glad to help it's why we do it.
On the skin side, yep, hop over th skins forum & read over some of the forum posts, recommend following Catavolt & Wizard123 posts for in depth info:cool:
Like all the forum contributors, glad to help it's why we do it.
On the skin side, yep, hop over th skins forum & read over some...
hello teammediaportal. i am a new member and user of mediaportal, been using it only for less than a month. my rig recently...
There are no codecs involved in the recording process, so I'm not sure whether this explanation works.
"The thing doing RTSP" is called the streaming server. It definitely does not send a signal to the client. Rather, the client sends a duration update request every 5 seconds or so:
15-11-2015 14:19:49.779 generateSDPDescription()...
There are no codecs involved in the recording process, so I'm not sure whether this explanation works.
"The thing doing RTSP" is...
I've had a good old search for this issue as it has been driving me bananas for a while.
Randomly, every few days playing a...
Thats for the pointer - you are correct it is the different audio streams MPEG and Ac3 I checked the audio streams - it is the same when I use the HUMAX 4tune. I now just need to work out what is the best solution for me.
If I connect the Sonos with the toslink directly to the MP PC (would that make a difference - I can try it and...
Thats for the pointer - you are correct it is the different audio streams MPEG and Ac3 I checked the audio streams - it is the same...
I don't think the issue I am having is to do with MP, but here goes
I have MP 1 installed on a PC running Win 10. I am using on...
Ah right didn't know that, some other projects like notepad++ did notice the inclusion of fake download buttons on the project pages (ads) which looked a lot like the real deal (same position / styling) so that was one the reason they switched as they got user complaints.
Yeah agree that other options aren't that great or better and...
Ah right didn't know that, some other projects like notepad++ did notice the inclusion of fake download buttons on the project...
There have been a number of reports that Chrome and Google have listed and blocked the Sourceforge download site as unsafe due to a...