Tips and Tricks (6 Viewers)

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Hi, Sorry; by file I meant CaptureCardDefinitions.xml it was just me being lazey by calling it the file, so for anyone else wanting to make this mod don't look for a file called it is actually called CaptureCardDefinitions.xml I am pleased the edit helped you out. Russ
Hi, Sorry; by file I meant CaptureCardDefinitions.xml it was just me being lazey by calling it the file, so for...
After downloading MP I could not get it to work with my Twinhan DTv Ter(D+A) card. I eventually made an edit to the file...
MP1 MP2 Dutch TV guide DE
Well done Robert ! I really like your solution. Previously I used the EPG Manager to download the pregrabbed xml files, but this gave me way too much information in the tvguide.xml for channels I did not have. When searching in the guide using the mp-webinterface I ended up with non-valid results because of this. But now I really find...
Well done Robert ! I really like your solution. Previously I used the EPG Manager to download the pregrabbed xml files, but this...
To get the dutch TV-Guide working look here.
Have a PVR-350 in a Silverstone LC-02 case and had some weird problems with colors changing after a few minutes (weird colors) and have the solution to this weird behaviour. Seems that these cards are very prone to heat problems. Put a small fan directly in front of it and all problems are gone. In the case of the Silverstone...
Have a PVR-350 in a Silverstone LC-02 case and had some weird problems with colors changing after a few minutes (weird colors) and...
Have a PVR-350 in a Silverstone LC-02 case and had some weird problems with colors changing after a few minutes (weird colors) and...
I even have a motherboard with both SPDIF in and out so they do exist! I'm only using the SPDIF out though... I also have a PVR-150 where I hook up my STB's audio out into the 150's Line-in. This is not an answer to the original poster's question but rather a gotcha that one should be aware of... The problem with the PVR is...
I even have a motherboard with both SPDIF in and out so they do exist! I'm only using the SPDIF out though... I also have a PVR-150...
Sorry that I post my problem again but nobody answered and maybe my formulation was not good ... Can I use the spdif (optical)...
Just answered a question about this, but thought I'd throw it out to everyone in case you didn't know about it. There are increasing numbers of sites providing traffic updates via rss feeds. You can obviously plug those into media portal via the news feed plugin. A couple of sites are listed below for those of you in the USA and the...
Just answered a question about this, but thought I'd throw it out to everyone in case you didn't know about it. There are...
Just answered a question about this, but thought I'd throw it out to everyone in case you didn't know about it. There are...
I couldn't find a conclusive topic on how to do this, so I made one. Follow these instructions on how to remove the WMP visualisations from My Music, and display the album art as a static image (I only know this works for the BlueTwo skin in 0.2RC1 and 0.2RC2, but it may work for 1.3 and other skins..) Alternatively you can...
I couldn't find a conclusive topic on how to do this, so I made one. Follow these instructions on how to remove the WMP...
I couldn't find a conclusive topic on how to do this, so I made one. Follow these instructions on how to remove the WMP...
The SQL would be something like this (I didn't test it): INSERT INTO channels (idChannel, strChannel, iChannelNr, frequency, iSort, {etc columns}) VALUES (90000, '0dum', 0, 25000, 1, {etc values}) INSERT INTO channels (idChannel, strChannel, iChannelNr, frequency, iSort, {etc columns}) VALUES (90001, '1dum', 1, 25000, 2...
The SQL would be something like this (I didn't test it): INSERT INTO channels (idChannel, strChannel, iChannelNr, frequency...
Problem: I'm a DirecTV subscriber with an old settop box. I am not using a serial controller for channels yet, and so I am using...
Also... so is that to say that its Impossible or that you just don't approve? Also... there is a thin white slot on my card WinTV HVT-1100 about an inch long? That anything to do with it?
Also... so is that to say that its Impossible or that you just don't approve? Also... there is a thin white slot on my card WinTV...
HI, I'm in the UK. I've got a Hauppauge HVT-1100 and I'm running the latest version of MediaPortal (Downloaded today :) ). This...
Here are some radio playlistfiles for swedish radiochannels. Just put them in your radio playlist folder, or specify folder in MPconfig. Sveriges Radio - SR * P1 * P2 * P3 * P3 Rockstar * P3 Star * P3 Street * P3 Svea * P4 Riks Kommersiell Radio * Radioseven * Mysteria * NRJ * Bandit 106,3 * Svenska Favoriter * Lugna Favoriter...
Here are some radio playlistfiles for swedish radiochannels. Just put them in your radio playlist folder, or specify folder in...
Here are some radio playlistfiles for swedish radiochannels. Just put them in your radio playlist folder, or specify folder in...
I know MP doesn't use them, but what if you had front and back covers for each album? Sam
I know MP doesn't use them, but what if you had front and back covers for each album? Sam
Howdy. I've just gone through the painful process of building a CD cover DB of all my MP3's for Media Portal so I thought I might...
MP1 MP2 HTTP proxy settings DE
Hi all, I had problems with the WebEPG tool and by looking at the log I immediatly found the reason, that the HTTP proxy settings weren't applied. I found the following information about .NET applications and HTTP proxy settings.;%5BLN%5D;307220#XSLTH3128121123120121120120...
Hi all, I had problems with the WebEPG tool and by looking at the log I immediatly found the reason, that the HTTP proxy...
Hi all, I had problems with the WebEPG tool and by looking at the log I immediatly found the reason, that the HTTP proxy...
MP1 MP2 World TV & FM Logos DE
excellent link, especially for radio. thanks tomtom
excellent link, especially for radio. thanks tomtom
I found this site : If you're looking for a TV or FM logo you will find it there (i hope...).
hmm this is maybe a bit a cheap one ... When you want to receive viedo information use VideoDatabaseV5.db3 instead of TVDatabaseV21.db3
hmm this is maybe a bit a cheap one ... When you want to receive viedo information use VideoDatabaseV5.db3 instead of...
How to get a nice formated Movie list in Excel using your MP Movie Database 01: donload and install the SQLlite ODB driver from...
Fyi, the popular dtvcontrol.exe for controlling certain DirecTV settops via serial control did not work for me out-of-the box with my D10-100 settop. (I was just trying to use the included GUI. I could power on/off, but could not change channels.) I didn't spend too much time on it, and others have used it successfully with MP, so...
Fyi, the popular dtvcontrol.exe for controlling certain DirecTV settops via serial control did not work for me out-of-the box with...
Fyi, the popular dtvcontrol.exe for controlling certain DirecTV settops via serial control did not work for me out-of-the box with...
How can I release the CD drive??? I tried to install mycdrip with mediaportal [0.2.0] and then I tried with the latest CVS. It doesn't work, it would seem that mediaportal is keeping the CD drive and not releasing it. So mycdrip cannot access it. Mycdrip doesn't work well on my windows XP: it rips the 1st song, then skips all the...
How can I release the CD drive??? I tried to install mycdrip with mediaportal [0.2.0] and then I tried with the latest CVS. It...
My CD Rip : MP3, Ogg , CDDB, Coverart, Originally a plugin for myHTPC GUI is quiet the same as MP, easy to use with remote...
the link seems to change... so i guess he did some editing yesterday as he has released a new version today! i have just linked the homepage now and the help can be found on here. look on the left hand side. The link you have is for the command line program behind the DVDAuthorgui progam :) thanks for taking the time to look...
the link seems to change... so i guess he did some editing yesterday as he has released a new version today! i have just linked...
OK so the title sounds like a Spam Message but it isn’t.... Im going to attempt to tell you how to cut those annoying ad's out...
That remote looks great! Be I guess you loose the direct acces options which in my homy is important...?? regards Tom
That remote looks great! Be I guess you loose the direct acces options which in my homy is important...?? regards Tom
Using "standard" volume control within windows isn't always desireable. In my case, I'm having MP launch Zoomplayer to watch...
I had a quick look at it, but I can't tell - does this do the trimming automatically like DVR-MS Toolbox does with commercials?
I had a quick look at it, but I can't tell - does this do the trimming automatically like DVR-MS Toolbox does with commercials?
I found this app recently and it works great for trimming archived avi's to get rid of extra time before and after the program...
Hi All! I made a little program that allows you to visually export information from iTunes music library into several formats. At the moment, only m3u, pls, and xml are supported. With xml, a properly structured xml file is created and can be used in plugins or on the web. Please test it out and tell me what you think Follow...
Hi All! I made a little program that allows you to visually export information from iTunes music library into several formats...
Hi All! I made a little program that allows you to visually export information from iTunes music library into several formats...
MP1 MP2 SQLite3 w/ JDBC DE
To manipulate the Media Portal SQLite3 databases via JDBC, you can use the JDBC driver from: Following the instructions worked for me. For a general DB GUI client, I use DBVisualizer (, although any Java based client will probably work. This setup allows me to...
To manipulate the Media Portal SQLite3 databases via JDBC, you can use the JDBC driver from:
To manipulate the Media Portal SQLite3 databases via JDBC, you can use the JDBC driver from:
Bitbyte, I'm glad you got your DTV to work. I'm not as fortunate. I've been trying to get MPExtuneCmd to work with a external program that changes channel via a IR Blaster, without any success. The program to control the IRBlaster works perfectly from a CMD Window in Win XP but I have tried everything I know and not able to get the...
Bitbyte, I'm glad you got your DTV to work. I'm not as fortunate. I've been trying to get MPExtuneCmd to work with a external...
I have finally gotten a fix for the issues regarding MPExTuneCMD and it not working with DTV Control. After fighting with the...
:( No luck. It crashed at the splash screen. Had the foresight to back up the original so everything's working again. That's OK, I can wait for 0.2.0
:( No luck. It crashed at the splash screen. Had the foresight to back up the original so everything's working again. That's OK...
A very nice feature of this keyboard is that you can program your TV or amplifier's volume buttons while retaining the ability to...
I had problems with TV losing sync (flashing black and white / a little bit badly formed picture) for a short period with my NVidia 5200 when : 1) timeshifting was turned on / off 2) channel was changed with timeshifting on Enabling "Force TV Detection" in Display properties -> Advanced -> NVidia tab -> Tools solved this.
I had problems with TV losing sync (flashing black and white / a little bit badly formed picture) for a short period with my NVidia...
I had problems with TV losing sync (flashing black and white / a little bit badly formed picture) for a short period with my NVidia...
  • Locked
If you start using the My Trailers plugin but the content never streams you may have a problem with WMP. Have a look at the log and look for the mms:// reference copy the URL and then paste that into WMP and see if it plays. If you get this error... "Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the specified protocol is...
If you start using the My Trailers plugin but the content never streams you may have a problem with WMP. Have a look at the log...
If you start using the My Trailers plugin but the content never streams you may have a problem with WMP. Have a look at the log...
I too agree this feature should be added to the product. I use freevo under linux and it is able to pass these files to mplayer and it works fine...
I too agree this feature should be added to the product. I use freevo under linux and it is able to pass these files to mplayer...
well, I just tested to play a bin/cue image SVCD in MP and it worked just fine :) all you have to do is add a ,.bin in your...
Hi, Can someone indicate where to download the file set (as I have only XP Home edition too). This would be fantastic! Thanks in advance
Hi, Can someone indicate where to download the file set (as I have only XP Home edition too). This would be fantastic...
Harley and everyone else who has problem with MCE philips remote: this is how I got it working: In the hardware section, topic...
it looked good to me lol I am blind and my dog is dead, good thing is, I haven't seen a fugly woman in years hope ya like this one better
it looked good to me lol I am blind and my dog is dead, good thing is, I haven't seen a fugly woman in years hope ya like this...
I wanted to see how I liked mediaportal, I also did trials with all sorts of others. I have been using my pc for a media center...
If you're like me, and you would rather have MP to ask for the movie title instead of a number when you select a movie, heres a fix : 1. Start docs/SQLite Database Browser.exe 2. Open database/VideoDatabaseV5.db3 3. Execute the following sql statement : update movie set discid = (select strtitle from movieinfo where movie.idmovie...
If you're like me, and you would rather have MP to ask for the movie title instead of a number when you select a movie, heres a fix...
If you're like me, and you would rather have MP to ask for the movie title instead of a number when you select a movie, heres a fix...
A quick tip (learnt the hard way!) if you are using a USB soundcard (E.G. Soundblaster Extigy) and a USB capture card (E.G. Hauppauge WinTV-PVR USB2) even if they are both USB2 (and should therefore have the bandwidth to cope) do not connect them to the same controller on your PC. Most PC's now have 4 (or more) USB ports on the back...
A quick tip (learnt the hard way!) if you are using a USB soundcard (E.G. Soundblaster Extigy) and a USB capture card (E.G...
A quick tip (learnt the hard way!) if you are using a USB soundcard (E.G. Soundblaster Extigy) and a USB capture card (E.G...
The disadvantage of using say a 32KB cluster is that a 1 byte file will actually take up 32KB on disc, so if you have many small files you end up wasting large amounts of storage space. In Windows Explorer right-click on a small file (try and kind one under 4KB) and choose Properties, there you'll see two sizes reported, the actual...
The disadvantage of using say a 32KB cluster is that a 1 byte file will actually take up 32KB on disc, so if you have many small...
If you have one or more hard drives dedicated to the storage of recordings and movie files (i.e. large files) and you're going to...
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