Video-Cards (18 Viewers)

Discussions about Video-Cards and their drivers in here
my x1300 does HDTV fine with other apps but does *not* work with HDTV and MediaPortal. At least I haven't gotten it to work properly.
my x1300 does HDTV fine with other apps but does *not* work with HDTV and MediaPortal. At least I haven't gotten it to work properly.
Hi, I'm looking for a recommendation with a laundry list of features. I'm looking for something that is: passively cooled Low...
Im looking at building my first HTPC, im planning on using a PVR-500 thanks to you guys for helping pick that out. My next problem would be with a video card. I unfortunately dont have a hi-def tv, i only have regular tvs. Can you guys suggest a good video card with video out on it so that i get a decent picture on my tv. And also...
Im looking at building my first HTPC, im planning on using a PVR-500 thanks to you guys for helping pick that out. My next problem...
Im looking at building my first HTPC, im planning on using a PVR-500 thanks to you guys for helping pick that out. My next problem...
I too want to use the my tvs native res and have been doin a tiny bit of experimenting myself along these lines,, primarily to find an onboard vga chipset (went 775 meself)that will do this res,, as you say nearly all lcd panels at 32 & 37 inch use this so why are the damm vga designers so blind to this,, all that power in a pc why...
I too want to use the my tvs native res and have been doin a tiny bit of experimenting myself along these lines,, primarily to find...
Hi, I have my eyes on EVGA e-GeForce 7600GS w/ Passive Heatsink for my HTPC, but it specifically does NOT support the resolution...
I belive ATi cards are (ATM) more power hungry than nVidia, so there are few (noen?) passive ATi cards. The 7600GS is a good choice, since it supports most PureVideo features: You colud also buy this -->
I belive ATi cards are (ATM) more power hungry than nVidia, so there are few (noen?) passive ATi cards. The 7600GS is a good...
Hi, I'm looking for a new video card for my desktop PC and need some advice from you hardware gurus ;) Requirements: -AGP...
MP1 MP2 New Video Card (1 Viewer) DE
I take it you require a AGP interface card, which are getting rarer. Why not get a card with TV out, Nvidia many flavours 6200, 7300, 7600GS, these are most probably the highest spec ones, you will be able to get that do not have fans, and use passive cooling. ATI radeon 9550, X1500, X1600, Problem found here, very little...
I take it you require a AGP interface card, which are getting rarer. Why not get a card with TV out, Nvidia many flavours 6200...
I am about to upgrade my main computer and as a result hand down the existing components to my Media PC. Hopefully it will speed...
Thanks, chenks! Emph
Thanks, chenks! Emph
I got a new computer this week from Dell. Unfortunately, the onboard Nvidia card only had 1 VGA output, and I need a S-VHS out. I'm...
Okay - first results from my upgrade: I went and bought the Gigabyte 6600GT with SilentPipeII - I'm holding off on the motherboard until I can see the results of the new video card. I turned off the HTPC, inserted the new card and plugged it into my 37" LCD (via RGB to start with - I'll battle with the DVI resolutions and...
Okay - first results from my upgrade: I went and bought the Gigabyte 6600GT with SilentPipeII - I'm holding off on the...
Okay I've had it - I'm going to replace my ASUS A8N-VM CSM with a separate motherbaord and video card combo. At the end of the...
After looking at Nvidia's web site.... your 7600 only does a couple more things than your 6200. I have the straight 6200... i think :) Spatial-Temporal De-Interlacing Bad Edit Correction Inverse Telecine* * Enabling Inverse Telecine, Noise Reduction and Edge Enhancements simultaneously requires additional processing power...
After looking at Nvidia's web site.... your 7600 only does a couple more things than your 6200. I have the straight 6200... i...
My HTPC is based on the AOpen EY855 (SFF) - a beutifull and quiet thing (after changing and modifying the PSU-fan system). ...
MP1 MP2 Good PCI Video card DE
What exactly is it in both Mediaportal and MCE that requires such a powerful card? After all it's not doing anything you can't do on an Xbox and look at the spec of that! I'm still waiting for my tuner card to arrive but so far MCE has played every video format I've thrown at it using just the on-board IBM graphics chipset. The only...
What exactly is it in both Mediaportal and MCE that requires such a powerful card? After all it's not doing anything you can't do...
I'm trying to build a bare bones media system using a Dell Optiplex GX110. The problem is, it doesn't have an AGP slot, as I was...
but none of those has ANY gaming potential at 1680x1050 you probably need the BEST AGP 8x you can find and still it will be tough
but none of those has ANY gaming potential at 1680x1050 you probably need the BEST AGP 8x you can find and still it will be tough
Hello everyone. I'm looking for some help/input in order decide on a new graphics card for my HTPC. First things first. I...
MP1 MP2 which graphics card DE
Yep. As far as ATI SE goes, these are the "quantity over quality" cards. I own a 9600 SE card as well. This particular card features 256MB RAM which was very rare at that time and unheard of in the 9600SE' pricerange. Those 256MB are considerably slower than the 128MB featured on the normal 9500/9600 versions thou, which resulted...
Yep. As far as ATI SE goes, these are the "quantity over quality" cards. I own a 9600 SE card as well. This particular card...
Currantly i have a geforce MX 440 64mb (no one bring up directx 9 graphics is needed for media portal) and it works perfectly and...
Yes, thanks. But I read latest forum entries on other boards. They say that the comparison where Purevideo was better is old. It was based on a review in December. Lot of voices are telling that AVIVO has become much better and superiour to Purevideo. Latest comparison that I have read the there is a HQV benchmark, and that Nvidia...
Yes, thanks. But I read latest forum entries on other boards. They say that the comparison where Purevideo was better is old. It...
I searched the internet, but did not find a overall answer. I wonder which gfx card gives the best video picture, some say...
MP1 MP2 Graphics Card DE
I have a 6200 card w/ a 4x motherboard (Athalon 2200+) and MP works great - tv record/timeshift (PVR 150), movie/video playback, etc.
I have a 6200 card w/ a 4x motherboard (Athalon 2200+) and MP works great - tv record/timeshift (PVR 150), movie/video playback, etc.
I have a nVidia geforce4 420 64mb card which even though it is not up to the specs it still works MP fine. I am looking to...
Depends on the settings, generally though, dvb-t and regular birate analogue would cost you about 3GB per hour. HD dvb can be about 6GB per hour. Ive got a 120GB HDD in ours and thats plenty for us. We dont keep what we record, so once its been watched, it gets nuked.
Depends on the settings, generally though, dvb-t and regular birate analogue would cost you about 3GB per hour. HD dvb can be about...
I'm setting up my first HTCP. It's a low budget HTCP and is only going to be used for TV (watching, recording), DVD and music...
Ppl seem to enjoy the Nvidia PureVideo codecs, so I'd consider nVidia, if I were you. However; ATi vs nVidia - you'll never get an answer... you'll get to many to sort out :twisted: - the ppl are divided here, I'm afraid. Dont go for the 5500, however, as only the 6XXX and 7XXX series have support for PureVideo (I think). The...
Ppl seem to enjoy the Nvidia PureVideo codecs, so I'd consider nVidia, if I were you. However; ATi vs nVidia - you'll never get...
I would like to get everyones suggestions on the BEST graphic card for UNDER $100 that would work with MP and my Hauppauge PVR-350.
ok. give me some time to fill up the template. cos the system is not in my house (my brother's house)
ok. give me some time to fill up the template. cos the system is not in my house (my brother's house)
If i could not view my tv channels full-screen when i set my resolution to higher than 1024, is it due to my tuner or graphics card?
MP1 MP2 Video card ... DE
OMG im lame \: you CAN unlock taskbar and move it to secondary monitor withouth any problem and hydravision can handle apps ... \: Now i wonder if i can somehow FORCE aplications tu start on secondary ... Anyway swtichnig primary and secondary is still quite a pain.
OMG im lame \: you CAN unlock taskbar and move it to secondary monitor withouth any problem and hydravision can handle apps ... \...
What is cheapes video card i need to buy if i want to have 1 lcd on 1280x1024@60 DVI and 1 crt on 1024x768@85 hz And want to use...
Well I think the heat inside my MSI MEGA 180 (Nforce2) has finally fried my graphics card, I get a blue tinge to everything after an hour or so's operation. So I need a new graphics card and would like some suggestions. My requirements are: AGP Passive cooling Low profile (as a nice to have) DirectX 9 My old one is an ATI...
Well I think the heat inside my MSI MEGA 180 (Nforce2) has finally fried my graphics card, I get a blue tinge to everything after...
Well I think the heat inside my MSI MEGA 180 (Nforce2) has finally fried my graphics card, I get a blue tinge to everything after...
Thanks! end msg
Thanks! end msg
Please excuse me if this question is addressed elsewhere, I searched for 20 minutes and couldn't find the answer... I'm building...
MP1 MP2 Half Height AGP Video Card (1 Viewer) DE
i didnt know composite would lose quality...i may as well give up then. the video card is an ATI 9250 and yes, the compro hdtv codec play OK, but not 1080i only 728i. i know i need to upgrade but i was just wishing.
i didnt know composite would lose quality...i may as well give up then. the video card is an ATI 9250 and yes, the compro hdtv...
Hi, I have a Dell Optiplex GX260 as my HTPC (i will put some piccies up soon) and everything is running well, the only thing id...
Well I went from a 9250 to a 6200 because I wanted better connectivity. Doing that I saw no improvement visually (performace wise) but it maybe dropped 5% cpu time tops. PQ was a whole lot better (but wont effect you in this case).
Well I went from a 9250 to a 6200 because I wanted better connectivity. Doing that I saw no improvement visually (performace wise)...
Nvidia and ATIs gfx card are heavily discussed here.. As they are advertised with so many movie features like. ... hardware...
im on a sempron 2400+ with 512 ram right now and it runs fine. Although I am not using it for tv so I cant comment on that. One thing is, I have a very large music collection and MP is pretty slow when browsing the album art. Not sure if that is the processor or MP tho. Your setup should be fine tho.
im on a sempron 2400+ with 512 ram right now and it runs fine. Although I am not using it for tv so I cant comment on that. One...
I am planning on building a budget media pc for running media portal. I am going for a low end graphics card and cpu. I am...
MJGraf Its your call personally think what you have suggested will work fine in a well ventilated case, and i know the 805 is virtually being given away, just get a decent motherboard to go with them and all should be fine. Best of luck wit your build, and post when finished. Always a sucker for a success story. :wink:
MJGraf Its your call personally think what you have suggested will work fine in a well ventilated case, and i know the 805 is...
Hi there, I'm just planning to buy some new parts for my htpc to make it future-ready, i.e. ready for DVB-S2 and H.264. ATM...
Well, after much testing, tweaking, rebooting and reading I found that the passively cooled Sapphire X1300 card of mine can be overclocked to handle the required bandwidth Microsoft suggests for HDTV. It requires the latest beta of ATi Tool. (V.25 beta 13) The card *is* 128bit. The older tools identified it as 64. Setting the...
Well, after much testing, tweaking, rebooting and reading I found that the passively cooled Sapphire X1300 card of mine can be...
Hi, Until now I was going to get a passively cooled Nvidia card that support PureVideo so that I would get smooth playback etc...
In the USA, you need the extra memory bandwidth of the 6600GT to deinterlace ATSC (Digital TV, HDTV). I do not know how that affects others, but Microsoft suggests not less than 10GB/sec and as far as I can tell, they aren't exaggerating.
In the USA, you need the extra memory bandwidth of the 6600GT to deinterlace ATSC (Digital TV, HDTV). I do not know how that...
I'm currently running through the motherboard graphics (ATi Radion Xpress 256MB. RAM hijacked from system memory) and see this as...
Yes, I did mean 80 series drivers. The video-out is 'damaged'.
Yes, I did mean 80 series drivers. The video-out is 'damaged'.
Hi, I need a decent but not to expensive video card. For the moment I'm using a TNT2 64, but the TV output is very bad, and it...
MP1 MP2 Which video card? DE
Any suggestions please for a video card that can output 1024x576 on the TV-out? A budget one, I don't need power for the latest gaming. Thanks, Angelos
Any suggestions please for a video card that can output 1024x576 on the TV-out? A budget one, I don't need power for the latest...
Any suggestions please for a video card that can output 1024x576 on the TV-out? A budget one, I don't need power for the latest...
Tnx, I am not having any heating problems as it is now. It is very quiet, so i might give it a try. Rgds, Rene
Tnx, I am not having any heating problems as it is now. It is very quiet, so i might give it a try. Rgds, Rene
Has anyone found a directx 9 capable graphic card which fits in the small space provided in the PCI slots in a ASUS Pundit-R ? I...
MP1 MP2 Best graphics card? (1 Viewer) DE
Nvidia 6600GT, component out and passively cooled. I have a Legend one with a fan - NOT a good idea (too loud)! And no room for a replacement cooler in my Shuttle box... I console myself with the fact that I couldn't find a passively cooled card, let alone one with that and component out. 6600GT or a 6600LE, your choice. I like...
Nvidia 6600GT, component out and passively cooled. I have a Legend one with a fan - NOT a good idea (too loud)! And no room for a...
Hi, I try to find the best graphics card to use with MP (not for gaming). What I'm looking for is a fanless card where analog...
MP1 MP2 Which Videocard DE
well considering i am currently running it off of a tnt2 m64 and the only thing it slows at is the interface i think i can get by with something cheaper than a matrox card (they are around 200 bucks for me :( )
well considering i am currently running it off of a tnt2 m64 and the only thing it slows at is the interface i think i can get by...
I was wondering which videocard would be a good one, as i am sick and tired of dealing with this MSI bullsh!t. So please don't...
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