TV-Cards (87 Viewers)

Discussions about TV-Cards and their drivers in here
Har du prøvet om TV2 HD virker med et C+ Ca modul? - Eller kan tuneren søge HD kanaler? Har en Hauppauge HVR-4000 med CI modul nu, men oplever tit at Windows 7 fryser og genstarter af sig selv :(
Har du prøvet om TV2 HD virker med et C+ Ca modul? - Eller kan tuneren søge HD kanaler? Har en Hauppauge HVR-4000 med CI modul...
hi! I just bought the technisat cablestar combo HD CI. I'm primarily using it for dvb-t in denmark. What can I say .. it just...
i have two of these in my HTPC, they are very slow and seem to get lost quite frequently despite a 10sec delay. I was thinking of getting another card but would I really see that much of an improvement?
i have two of these in my HTPC, they are very slow and seem to get lost quite frequently despite a 10sec delay. I was thinking of...
i have two of these in my HTPC, they are very slow and seem to get lost quite frequently despite a 10sec delay. I was thinking of...
I tried also the current master and compiled myself. But without success, the cam seems to work fine but the diseqc is not realy reliable. Sometimes it Switches and sometimes not. I must say that with the patches for mp 1.2.1 provided by mm135200 this works like a charm. I realy would like to upgrade to a newer Version of...
I tried also the current master and compiled myself. But without success, the cam seems to work fine but the diseqc is...
Hi guys, does anybody knows if the patches provided by mm1352000 for the Mepo 1.2.1, to provide propper diseqc and cam support...
MP1 MP2 Anysee N7S2CICRPlus DE
Had not seen it, thanks!
Had not seen it, thanks!
Any thoughts on MediaPortal TV-Server support for this one?
Any thoughts on MediaPortal TV-Server support for this one?
Any thoughts on MediaPortal TV-Server support for this one?
Any thoughts on MediaPortal TV-Server support for this one?
MP1 MP2 Recording Indonesian Satellite TV (1 Viewer) DE
Hello Mike You're right that only the Hauppauge HD-PVR and Colossus are supported as "pure" capture devices. I have never heard of a tuner with an HDMI input, so I suspect you'll be out of luck on that front. Do you know if your AVerMedia card has hardware for encoding the video, or does it rely on the AVerMedia software being...
Hello Mike You're right that only the Hauppauge HD-PVR and Colossus are supported as "pure" capture devices. I have never heard...
Hi guys, A slightly unusual problem from deepest darkest Indonesia - any thoughts welcome. I have a shiny new HTPC which is...
Hello First, make sure you close the supplied software before attempting to use the tuner in MP. Second, if you use the tuner in MP, then in the supplied software, then in MP again... you'll need to restart the MP TV Server. 1. Open TV Server configuration. 2. Go to the "manual control" section. 3. Click "stop service"... then...
Hello First, make sure you close the supplied software before attempting to use the tuner in MP. Second, if you use the tuner in...
I have a Pinnacle 800i card that cannot find any ATSC channels when I do a scan in Media Portal 1.2.3. When I scan in the Supplied...
We are in contact with TBS to solve some issues, but I don't know if the MOI Box is compatible with MP... I only have DVB-C :) So I'm no developer and so I can't promise you support in the future ;)
We are in contact with TBS to solve some issues, but I don't know if the MOI Box is compatible with MP... I only have DVB-C :) So...
Any thoughts on MediaPortal TV-Server support for this one? I use DVB-C HDHomerun today, but might be looking to switch to DVB-S2...
Hi guys, there is a new card born, quite interessting: DVBSky T9580 Who got it already? Obviously also barnded as Mystique card. Would be intressted in which PCIe-Bridge is used...
Hi guys, there is a new card born, quite interessting: DVBSky T9580 Who got it already? Obviously also barnded as Mystique...
Hi guys, there is a new card born, quite interessting: DVBSky T9580 Who got it already? Obviously also barnded as Mystique...
Thanks for the info. The TBS6984 looks great, but a little over my budget so I think I will go for the 6981 dual tuner, this seems to get plenty of good reviews though.
Thanks for the info. The TBS6984 looks great, but a little over my budget so I think I will go for the 6981 dual tuner, this seems...
Hi, I'm new to the whole satellite card subject so I'm hoping someone can simply point me in the right direction regarding a...
...not exactly your request, but also satelite (DVB-S/S2) streams many radio stations - that's how I use currentyl radio. But if you have any hints for USB-FM-devices, let me know. Thanks.
...not exactly your request, but also satelite (DVB-S/S2) streams many radio stations - that's how I use currentyl radio. But if...
Hello all, This is my first post on the MediaPortal forums, because I have an issue and am looking for some help. I am trying to...
Ok, so I keep running into an issue where I get "no signal" when I'm trying to scan for channels with my Duoflex+ Octopus CI setup, it's a bug that randomly seems to not be there, I had it working, but I was stupid enough to try and add a 2nd tuner, and then it showed back up, and now I'm screwed.
Ok, so I keep running into an issue where I get "no signal" when I'm trying to scan for channels with my Duoflex+ Octopus CI setup...
Hi everyone I received my brand new Duoflex CT DVB PCIe card yesterday from DD and I installed it i my computer. But when I...
If you're interested in a DIY antenna take a look here: . He has a few different designs and also some reflector designs - seems more legit than the youtube one haha
If you're interested in a DIY antenna take a look here: ...
I'm stuck in between 3 tuners and I figured you folks would know better than me. First off, I want a dual tuner (doesn't have to...
Hi, In general you must select your dish with LNB carefully. There are LNBs which can feed Sat-Receivers (resp. DVB-S2-cards) directly and there are which need a kind of satelite switch in between. LNBs which can feed Sat-Receivers directly are limited usually to for participants - which is fair enough for home usage. Otherwise, the...
Hi, In general you must select your dish with LNB carefully. There are LNBs which can feed Sat-Receivers (resp. DVB-S2-cards)...
Hi there, im using Mediaportal for several years now. Started with Analog and later switched to DVB-C. I recently moved to a new...
Okay, too late, but just for other readers. Pinnacle PCTV e452 (which is physically the same model like the TechnoTrend TT connect S2-3600) works for me fine on a separate system (longest time without reboot: nearly 16 month).
Okay, too late, but just for other readers. Pinnacle PCTV e452 (which is physically the same model like the TechnoTrend TT connect...
Hello, i've searched the forum, but found nothing. Can anyone recommend a reliable DVB-S2 USB-Card? I need USB because there is no...
Bump.. Any help at all is appreciated with this. I plugged in my old technomate to test if everything was ok with the motor. Worked with DiSEqc and USALS no problem. Here is a screenshot showing the motor control menu, as you can see its not showing signal level or quality! thanks David EDIT: I have two positions stored -...
Bump.. Any help at all is appreciated with this. I plugged in my old technomate to test if everything was ok with the motor...
HI, I have a TBS 6925 in my TV server connected to a Digipower H-H Motor to single universal LNB. Which are mounted to my 90cm...
I don't know about MP, but your question is more hardware related. Either you use Unicable / SCR (same thing), but your TV-card or STB must support it, the standard does support 8 channels, but most LNBs only have 4 channel output and "one or two" legacy LNB ports. Another option is to use a stacker / destacker but it is expencive...
I don't know about MP, but your question is more hardware related. Either you use Unicable / SCR (same thing), but your TV-card or...
Hi, is there a setting in MP that allows me to run a twin tuner dvb-s2 card (with both tuners!) by using only one cable? I read...
Hi Alex, I do like TBS. They seem to respond to their customers queries very well via the TBS forum. They also seem to have active discussions with MP Devs too. The reason I went with TBS is that I had a DVB-S/S2 card from a couple of years back and it was faultless, so I just stuck with what I was familiar with. The TBS 6984 has...
Hi Alex, I do like TBS. They seem to respond to their customers queries very well via the TBS forum. They also seem to have...
Hi Guys, I recently treated my self to a couple of new tuner cards...oooohh... shiny, shiny..(see photo's). They got here quicker...
Hello sorry for my English but I am translating with google. Install Media Portal and TV Server Configuration when I open I get 713x BDA Analog TV Tuner Analog select my country Argentina and when scanning the channels I get an error saying "The Graph building. Mostly your card is not supported by TVserver. Creeate Please to report in...
Hello sorry for my English but I am translating with google. Install Media Portal and TV Server Configuration when I open I get...
Hello sorry for my English but I am translating with google. Install Media Portal and TV Server Configuration when I open I get...
MP1 MP2 Analog Card Issues DE
I have a Philips 7130 TV Tuner and I'm receiving the following error when attempting to scan channels.
I have a Philips 7130 TV Tuner and I'm receiving the following error when attempting to scan channels.
I have a Philips 7130 TV Tuner and I'm receiving the following error when attempting to scan channels.
Well I've reinstalled Windows 7 and the card has tuned in OK now using Mediaportal. I really don't know what that was about but at least it's working now. Now to explore MP :) .
Well I've reinstalled Windows 7 and the card has tuned in OK now using Mediaportal. I really don't know what that was about but at...
I've been a user of Windows 7 Media Center for a number of years and for various reasons have decided to give Mediaportal a go. My...
no USB support. not usable for the systems i use. (don't have pci or pci-x, or no room for that)
no USB support. not usable for the systems i use. (don't have pci or pci-x, or no room for that)
Hi I'm planning to upgrade my system with a couple of new USB TV-cards (and 1.3.0Beta). This time I've like to have CI/CAM...
Anyone? Bueller?
Anyone? Bueller?
In the Wiki it states that the Hauppauge HVR-1600/1800 cards are supported, but there are newer versions now the Hauppauge HVR-1850...
I've been having trouble getting clearqam signal on my PC. I thought it was due to some other programs I had installed so I did a wipe and reload of windows 7 and still had issues. My card was an ATI TV Wonder 650 PCI which I know has some issues in Windows 7 so I got ahold of a used Gateway Asus/ViXS Combo-210E which installed...
I've been having trouble getting clearqam signal on my PC. I thought it was due to some other programs I had installed so I did a...
I've been having trouble getting clearqam signal on my PC. I thought it was due to some other programs I had installed so I did a...
MP1 MP2 USB 2821 video DE
Thanks for the welcome. Worked but now says: The graph building. Mostly your card not supported by TV server. I'm using the version 1.3 beta. It's a TV tunner analog.
Thanks for the welcome. Worked but now says: The graph building. Mostly your card not supported by TV server. I'm using the version...
I can't scan USB 2821 video with TV Server. Says: Unable to scan. The graph building. Mostly your card is not supported by TV...
Thans for investigating. I had installed the actual drivers from the homepage... I just got the chance to try out an TBS 6981 Dual-Tuner - so far it works very well. If it lasts, i think i will switch to this setting
Thans for investigating. I had installed the actual drivers from the homepage... I just got the chance to try out an TBS 6981...
Hi there, after serveral changes in hard and software (codecs), i discovered, that one of my old Win-TV cards was the source of...
Here are the logs run from the TV server itself.
Here are the logs run from the TV server itself.
I have my cable box hooked up to my Hauppage WinTV HVR 1290 through composite and the video isn't smooth. It's a bit stuttering...
No problem... and keep asking if you have questions... though this post that I made recently may have helped: We're going to try and get that information added to our wiki (which should generally be your first port of call for...
No problem... and keep asking if you have questions... though this post that I made recently may have helped...
Hello, I just bought an Avert Hybrid Volar Max USB tuner. It currently works fine on Windows Media Center, but after reading...
This checks for latency, usually caused by misbehaving hardware\drivers, if there are spikes it will interfere with playback of video. The usual culprits are network controllers and video\audio drivers, but could also be TV card. Its a quick test, just run for a couple of minutes and see if anything shows up.
This checks for latency, usually caused by misbehaving hardware\drivers, if there are spikes it will interfere with playback of...
Have googled around for one but have not yet found a software TV signal monitor, does anyone know of one - ie I want to monitor...
I am in the Netherlands and my cablecompany encrypts all channels except one or two.. What works in my situation is FloppyDTV-C-CI (for Cable with CAM interface)+ Alphacrypt classic CAM in which the cable company smartcard goes.. What is important, is to know the encryption method your cable company will use, in my case Irdeto II is...
I am in the Netherlands and my cablecompany encrypts all channels except one or two.. What works in my situation is FloppyDTV-C-CI...
The US's Federal Communications Commission has decided to allow providers to encrypt basic cable. This will undoubtedly happen and...
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