MediaPortal 1 Plugins (101 Viewers)

Plugins developed and maintained by users. Want to create your own plugin? Start a thread in here.
MP1 MP2 WinLIRC Plugin DE
You can assign more than one Media Portal commands to one button of your remote control. I think there are different "NEXT" commands of Media Portal. Try to assign the "ACTION_NEXT_CHANNEL" to the same remote control button you assigned "ACTION_NEXT_ITEM". Maybe that helps. (There is a similar command for next picture)
You can assign more than one Media Portal commands to one button of your remote control. I think there are different "NEXT"...
WinLIRC Plugin for MP 1.0 RC3 I worte a plugin for MP 1.0 RC3 that allows to receive commands from WinLIRC (0.6.5). The received...
Hi ! I made modification to the string-fr.xm to support your plugin, if you want to integrate it in your .mpi ! Hope you'll enjoy, if any French people pass by, tell me if I made mistakes... Romain
Hi ! I made modification to the string-fr.xm to support your plugin, if you want to integrate it in your .mpi ! Hope you'll...
This plugin alow you to browse contents from Yahoo! Music - Internet Radio, Music Videos, Artists, Music News, Interviews and...
MP1 MP2 MyToolbar Plugin DE
This is a super early beta version but ive been sidetracked at the moment. THIS IS ONLY FOR STREAMEDMP SKIN AT THE MOMENT GO HERE FOR INFO AND DOWNLOAD.
This is a super early beta version but ive been sidetracked at the moment. THIS IS ONLY FOR STREAMEDMP SKIN AT THE MOMENT GO HERE...
This is a super early beta version but ive been sidetracked at the moment. THIS IS ONLY FOR STREAMEDMP SKIN AT THE MOMENT GO HERE...
hi guys im sure all of you know LastFM not free any more. i thing thir is replacement if any developer willing to do. the name SoundPedia and its free Music Discovery Community thanks ysmp
hi guys im sure all of you know LastFM not free any more. i thing thir is replacement if any developer willing to do. the name...
hi guys im sure all of you know LastFM not free any more. i thing thir is replacement if any developer willing to do. the name...
MP1 MP2 Xbox Live Plugin DE
yeah ive been working on it a little but i have another project plugin taking most of my time. I talked to that guy and yeah, he dosent want to let the souce code go.
yeah ive been working on it a little but i have another project plugin taking most of my time. I talked to that guy and yeah, he...
I was wanting to make a plugin that will allow me to see when my friends on xbox live were on and what game they were playing...
Currently it is just scraping. And yes I realize that if the site changes it breaks, however, some form of auto-updating regex patterns would bring that time to a minimum. I will also be having a look at an existing wrapper for the official API. I should say that my focus is more on creating a very easy to use framework for other...
Currently it is just scraping. And yes I realize that if the site changes it breaks, however, some form of auto-updating regex...
This will serve as the main thread for a plugin I am developing. With all the trouble with the Netflix Manager plugin, I finally...
I doubt you will get it to install without media center. However you could use an MSI extractor to get at the files from it. I will say though that I have partially already attempted using this in a plugin of mine and the ocx control it uses will only function when run by My Netflix. I suppose one could possibly crack it, but that's...
I doubt you will get it to install without media center. However you could use an MSI extractor to get at the files from it. I will...
I have started work on a replacement plugin for the existing netflix plugin located at...
MP1 MP2 GUI dialogs? DE
Hi! Does anyone know if there exists a user/alternative library with Mediaportal GUI Dialogs? For instance, I would love a simple notify dialog that can display more than 3 rows at a time... Can't find it among the standard 17 dialogs in the MediaPortal.GUI.Library? br Daniel
Hi! Does anyone know if there exists a user/alternative library with Mediaportal GUI Dialogs? For instance, I would love a...
Hi! Does anyone know if there exists a user/alternative library with Mediaportal GUI Dialogs? For instance, I would love a...
any good news with your plugin? maybe you can do your work together with the one from this thread i think your ideas are almost the same, and the rest of us can be sure to reach one step nearer the perfect mp ;-)
any good news with your plugin? maybe you can do your work together with the one from this thread...
Hello All! I've been away from MediaPortal programming recently trying to get a setup perfect for my house, and most...
Now totaly re-written and much better... MyPowerControl .....Download here ............Support here Mods Please close the thread.
Now totaly re-written and much better... MyPowerControl .....Download here ............Support here Mods Please close the...
Now totaly re-written and much better... MyPowerControl .....Download here ............Support here
MP1 MP2 Request: MyFridge DE
I'm also interested. Even a simple thing like a Shoutbox would be nice. You should be able to use it inside MP as a window plugin but also as a desktop Windows application for someone sitting in another room on another PC. And maybe use it on your laptop as well or send a message from my PDA or cell phone to the Mediaportal at home...
I'm also interested. Even a simple thing like a Shoutbox would be nice. You should be able to use it inside MP as a window plugin...
Okay, so this has been in the back of my mind since I first installed MediaPortal, but a search through the available plugins...
MP1 MP2 My Usenet DE
I would be willing to work on this code if you don't have the time to finish. I am working on a usenet plugin at the moment just for fun. Mine at the moment just supports SABnzbd and 5 NZB sites. I am new to plugin coding but not to C# and many other languages. I am gonna keep going on my plugin for now but if your done with this code...
I would be willing to work on this code if you don't have the time to finish. I am working on a usenet plugin at the moment just...
DOWNLOAD v0.5 Changes for 0.5 Added support for Enabled very beta NFO viewer for Newzbin (limited by, I think...
Hi keith2045, basicly there are some sites providing links for megavideo. The plugin is grabing the links from a web page. Mostly movies which are in the cinemas right now. So this streams are not that legal. So I decided to keep my plugin just for me and maybe never release it. But here is the code for the flash player. I made a...
Hi keith2045, basicly there are some sites providing links for megavideo. The plugin is grabing the links from a web page. Mostly...
Hi, I'm working on a program to fetch Megavideo links from certain sites. This part is already working. Now I want to play them...
Actually I am pretty sure this is possible, just via the skin engine. I am not sure how to do it but you may try asking over in the skinning forum. Because I think you can at least create a button that will launch another plug-in/window.
Actually I am pretty sure this is possible, just via the skin engine. I am not sure how to do it but you may try asking over in the...
Hi Just wondering if there is anything about that fits my needs or an alternative way around it. Basically I have 3 areas for my...
I would say that MultiShortcut is your best bet. See this article for a example where it is in action. What do you mean it is "to simple"?
I would say that MultiShortcut is your best bet. See this article for a example where it is in action. What do you mean it is "to...
I love MP but i searchd a lot and i dint found a nice Solution to Run Application and .bat from MediaPortal. The Plugin My...
Hi tusqui My Emulators plugin now supports launching PC Games, try it out /Jimmy
Hi tusqui My Emulators plugin now supports launching PC Games, try it out /Jimmy
Good Morning, I am looking for some plugin for launch my pc games throught MediaPortal. In last version of MP I used MyPrograms...
Can anybody point me in the right direction to find the assembly that contains MediaPortal.Service.LogType? I'm trying to use the MediaPortal.Gui.Library.Log class and now when i try to build it tells me that it can't find MediaPortal.Services.LogType TIA OneSHOT
Can anybody point me in the right direction to find the assembly that contains MediaPortal.Service.LogType? I'm trying to use...
Can anybody point me in the right direction to find the assembly that contains MediaPortal.Service.LogType? I'm trying to use...
Thanks Kyght Ryder ! I looked at the sourcecode for MediaPortal and reversed engineered how to do the things i wanted. Move to another part of MediaPortal: GUIGraphicsContext.ResetLastActivity(); GUIMessage msg = new GUIMessage(GUIMessage.MessageType.GUI_MSG_GOTO_WINDOW, 0, 0, 0, (int)wnd, 0, null)...
Thanks Kyght Ryder ! I looked at the sourcecode for MediaPortal and reversed engineered how to do the things i wanted. Move...
I have some development questions... How can i navigate to a specific TV channel by code ? What is the best method to start...
Like NZB Player? That would be great. Just wish you could adjust when the video would play. Some times the tubes are clogged. NZBPlayer - Stream Videos from Usenet Newsgroups - NZB Streaming
Like NZB Player? That would be great. Just wish you could adjust when the video would play. Some times the tubes are clogged...
Im wondering if such a plugin already exists. My idea was to play a movie (divx..etc) while it is still downloading from a...
You could also try EasyApp plugin or Multishortcut plugin as they so similar things.
You could also try EasyApp plugin or Multishortcut plugin as they so similar things.
hi, can anyone tell me where and how i could get the old "my programs" - plugin for my new version (RC4) of mediaportal...
MP1 MP2 API Documentation? DE
So I found the plugin dev guide, what there is for one anyhow. I have yet to find any API documentation for plugin development though. Everything I have found (minus the guide), dating back to 2004, just says to look at the source code and figure it out (of which there is almost 500MB of!!). This is an awful long time to have no docs...
So I found the plugin dev guide, what there is for one anyhow. I have yet to find any API documentation for plugin development...
So I found the plugin dev guide, what there is for one anyhow. I have yet to find any API documentation for plugin development...
With space in front it works, but it also shows space. If there's no other solution it'll stay this way. Thanks for the tip rekenaar.
With space in front it works, but it also shows space. If there's no other solution it'll stay this way. Thanks for the tip rekenaar.
While developing plugin I came to strange problem, I want to have label on my button that starts with number, here's the code from...
Works perfect! Big thank you for this!
Works perfect! Big thank you for this!
CD Slayer is a plugin for MediaPortal, that lets you rip your CDs to Ogg Vorbis, MP3 or FLAC format. It automatically tags the...
Hi, I intend on buying Hauppauge PVR-150 MCE with remote. I saw the remoteKC that transformes the remote to keyboard/mouse for the microsoft MCE remote. Can someone tell me if this can be done for the Hauppauge remote? can be found here
Hi, I intend on buying Hauppauge PVR-150 MCE with remote. I saw the remoteKC that transformes the remote to keyboard/mouse for...
Hi, I intend on buying Hauppauge PVR-150 MCE with remote. I saw the remoteKC that transformes the remote to keyboard/mouse for...
MP1 MP2 newb ideas inside!! DE
i know that hulu dosent support media centers but cant we do something with there widget? <iframe src="" style ="width:302px; height: 425px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;" frameborder ="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> embed it into a plugin or something? i apolagize if this is stupid talk. :thx:
i know that hulu dosent support media centers but cant we do something with there widget? <iframe...
i know that hulu dosent support media centers but cant we do something with there widget? <iframe...
I would love this to implemented ( would love to do it myself to contribute, but wouldnt have a clue where to start) I would like to see a plugin that if you had 2 videocards (like me) in your HTPC say video card 1 was hooked up to your tv via hdmi 1080p and the second was hooked up to a projector @ 1024 x 768 then with a...
I would love this to implemented ( would love to do it myself to contribute, but wouldnt have a clue where to start) I would...
I would love this to implemented ( would love to do it myself to contribute, but wouldnt have a clue where to start) I would...
MP1 MP2 Minidisplay + Imon DE
Got it sorted :) Imon 6.2 with MP added as a program and keystrokes setup. - Try this as a possible suitable .imo Thats about all really.:wtf:
Got it sorted :) Imon 6.2 with MP added as a program and keystrokes setup...
Using the plugin, my imon display works fine, but I'm not having much luck with the remote. Despite enabling force keyboard, it...
Never try something new with german umlaut in a skin file :ooops: In the skin file of my own dialog I changed the button caption of the no button to "Löschen". Replacing the ö character and now it runs like SilentExcept said. ZealotSix an alternative method to change caption would be to create your own skinfile (copy of dialog skin...
Never try something new with german umlaut in a skin file :ooops: In the skin file of my own dialog I changed the button caption of...
Hi, I'm playing around with my first window plugin and now I got some problems with the GUIDialogs. To be more precise, I try...
Hi there all programmers :) I want to make (or searching) a plugin, that looks like the plugin, but not that advanced. It's regarding a internet radio station: --:: WBITS.NL ::-- Internet Radio. << Currently working on a brand new site... The thing the plugin must do, is play the stream, and show a cover, and more...
Hi there all programmers :) I want to make (or searching) a plugin, that looks like the plugin, but not that advanced...
Hi there all programmers :) I want to make (or searching) a plugin, that looks like the plugin, but not that advanced...
I have previously used Xface, when recently reinstalled Xface I think the fonts were too big. Don't know if the font sizes have been changed lately... Perhaps, you should ask in this thread instead,
I have previously used Xface, when recently reinstalled Xface I think the fonts were too big. Don't know if the font sizes have...
After reinstalling MP and the Xface Skin (yes deleted the cache folder, uninstalled the old MP) I get much larger fonts then the...
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