OK, these are tv episodes but would think they wouldn't matter. They are still video.
So I have a folder called
Under TV Shows have
In Orville have
When highlight Orville it shows the folder.jpg
Going into Orville I have
Season 1
in Season 1 have
That shows on the right side as...
OK, these are tv episodes but would think they wouldn't matter. They are still video.
So I have a folder called
OK, these are tv episodes but would think they wouldn't matter. They are still video.
So I have a folder called
OK, so I have
Set each as an independent video source. Here's the deal though.
With Movies they are each in their own folder so have Folders are Movies set to yes.
With TVShows all the shows are in the same folder. So like Orville have an Orville folder in TVShows and then:
OK, so I have
Set each as an independent video source. Here's the deal though.
With Movies they are each...
I currently have MP1 setup for Videos, Music, and Pictures. All other menu items are gone. I also have another category trying to...
So I have the below right now
You see the what I guess is a folder object on the right hand side. Are you able to replace that with a picture when people scroll on Movies or TV Shows? Can you set the backgrounds?
So I have the below right now
You see the what I guess is a folder object on the right hand side. Are you able to replace that...
So I have the below right now
You see the what I guess is a folder object on the right hand side. Are you able to replace that...
One day perhaps I wont be such a n00b, but in the meantime, thank you, your feedback is exactly what I needed to fix my issue.
I can't recall why I disabled it originally, possibly one of the troubleshooting tips, but I thought I had re-enabled it. I did not realize I had to manually restart the service like you explained since...
One day perhaps I wont be such a n00b, but in the meantime, thank you, your feedback is exactly what I needed to fix my issue.
I am having this same problem discussed here, but my PowerScheduler plugin "Next wakup time" field is blank. I have confirmed that...
Think we are saying the same thing. Either way I have no clue in this app how to do this but sounds like I'll have to find considerable time to figure it out. In Kodi the ability to map my buttons to a function in the app were pretty simple. Here I'm not seeing it clearly but may just be me. Thinking I just need to figure it out...
Think we are saying the same thing. Either way I have no clue in this app how to do this but sounds like I'll have to find...
I'm creating a MediaPortal appliance. windows 10, auto logs in, auto starts MP1, set to restart if fails, no exit from app button...
I made a new Windows 7 install,
followed by a MP1.17 install
I am no MP expert but followed an instruction on youtube.
at startup during directX initialising , MP hangs and returns error: Direct3D device could not be created.
See attach log files.
Thanks for any help
I made a new Windows 7 install,
followed by a MP1.17 install
I am no MP expert but followed an instruction on youtube.
I made a new Windows 7 install,
followed by a MP1.17 install
I am no MP expert but followed an instruction on youtube.
What is the best tool for scraping movie information into each movies folder (named with same name as movie), to use MP1 off network? I have some downloaded content and nfo files that have worked with several other media players that I ended up not wanting to use, but in MP no images show and think they are missing formatting or...
What is the best tool for scraping movie information into each movies folder (named with same name as movie), to use MP1 off...
What is the best tool for scraping movie information into each movies folder (named with same name as movie), to use MP1 off...
Yes, I think you are right about this possibly being a Windows 10 problem. Mostly because I didn't touch MP or it's settings, it just got broken while I was away. I read somewhere (unfortunately I don't have a link to it right now) that the latest major update to Windows 10, Creators Update, removed some parts of windows file sharing...
Yes, I think you are right about this possibly being a Windows 10 problem. Mostly because I didn't touch MP or it's settings, it...
Running Mediaportal 1.17 On Win 10 x64 Pro since a few weeks back (updated from 1.16). Haven't had any problems.
When I left home...
But of course, you are absolutely right about it.
MediaPortal.xml was bad (73kB, but bad), I restored it's bak, same problem. Copied it from one of the "BACKUP" subdirectories, and now MP Configuration and MP would start.
Upon exit MP Configuration complained about Gentle.config, and MP would not work with TV (asked for hostname...
But of course, you are absolutely right about it.
MediaPortal.xml was bad (73kB, but bad), I restored it's bak, same problem...
in C:\Users\All Users\Team MediaPortal\ there are backups like MediaPortal_BACKUP_09-02_7-36
how can I restore one ?
The complete...
I wouldn't. Recovery should be quite easy, as per my response in your other thread.
Reverting to defaults for the client - without considering plugins - is usually as simple as deleting the main settings file (c:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MediaPortal.xml). However, reverting to defaults won't necessarily solve...
I wouldn't. Recovery should be quite easy, as per my response in your other thread.
Reverting to defaults for the client - without...
So my client won't start anymore, maybe I should just accept the unpleasant process of remote control setup & network shares setup...
Alright, here comes the update.
I did a new recording of a HD stream and watched it on the client without MCEbuddy used. Worked fine, no stutter. Then ran MCEBuddy and it also worked fine :-)
That puzzled me a bit.
So I checked the TV cards for discontinuities, but there were none.
Actually - to whatever reason - a couple of recent...
Alright, here comes the update.
I did a new recording of a HD stream and watched it on the client without MCEbuddy used. Worked...
I have some strange effect with Mediaportal 1.17.
I recorded a TV movie that was in HD. It is stored on a media server and the...
When exactly (date and time) did the problem occur?
The log files aren't exactly... clear... on this point.
(Please always specify this when asking for assistance.)
Unfortunately the log files are also only info-level. Any chance you could change log level to debug and provide new log files after the next occurrence?
When exactly (date and time) did the problem occur?
The log files aren't exactly... clear... on this point.
(Please always...
After switching on screen, expecting to find TV guide (where I had left MP earlier) I'm finding a black screen that can't be woken...
Actually I use the TvWishList plugin to handle my scheduling. It didn't occur to me to disable the TV server's duplicate recording setting. Thanks for the help, and not pulling any punches. :)
Actually I use the TvWishList plugin to handle my scheduling. It didn't occur to me to disable the TV server's duplicate recording...
I've recently switched my setup to a single STB connected to a capture card, which means a single registered tuner (although I...
Been there, done that.
This will take some time. I have a collection of 5.
Windows Update does not offer me this, presumably because it was included in the roll-ups which I installed (see this). Just to be sure, I downloaded it from the MS catalog and tried to install it, but it says it is already installed.
I have opened a...
Been there, done that.
This will take some time. I have a collection of 5.
Windows Update does not offer me this, presumably...
Since installing MP 1.17 single seat over a fresh installation of Windows 7 Pro SP1, I occasionally have error messages when...
I found a partial solution here:
XBMC not connecting to MediaPortal
multiseat is not required, and I have the guide and videos playing in Kodi now. I can't get the live TV working but that's for a different thread.
I found a partial solution here:
XBMC not connecting to MediaPortal
multiseat is not required, and I have the guide and videos...
I wonder if someone can help me with this. I currently have a single seat set up, but want to access the live TV, guide, etc but...
Without access to more information - particularly log files - I can only speculate...
The frequencies that TV Server (MediaPortal) version 1.17 scans when you select "Australia" -> "NSW - Sydney" match the details found at the linked website, and also the details on the official ACMA website. Therefore, all channels should be...
Without access to more information - particularly log files - I can only speculate...
The frequencies that TV Server...
Because of the lag of Live TV (Sydney Australia) I decided to clear all and rescanned them again.
I selected NSW Sydney and did a...
Windows message is :- The TVService service on Local Computer started and the stopped. Some services stop automatically if they are not in use by other services or programs.
I have tried to uninstall and reinstall MP but the TVService still fails. MP was working perfectly about a week ago, no software has been installed since the...
Windows message is :- The TVService service on Local Computer started and the stopped. Some services stop automatically if they are...
Windows message is :- The TVService service on Local Computer started and the stopped. Some services stop automatically if they are...
Thanks @mm1352000
I have changed back from mpar to defautl direct. So far so good on live tv
I have noticed a delay when streaming from my server. But have only seen this once. So will keep an eye on it
Thanks again
Thanks @mm1352000
I have changed back from mpar to defautl direct. So far so good on live tv
I have noticed a delay when...
After resolving some stuttering playback issues, i now have a audio sync problem.
It tends to get worse as i continue viewing. It...
Thanks a lot MM for the excellent explanations!! I couldn't have asked for better. Its not the first time I ask questions and you always provide great info, extra donation sent!
It makes a lot of sense now, I wasn't aware that the guide would change at the last minute like that but now that I think about it, I believe I had on a few...
Thanks a lot MM for the excellent explanations!! I couldn't have asked for better. Its not the first time I ask questions and you...
A question about scheduled recordings. I am trying to optimise things a little bit and found that my tvserver would wakeup...