General (67 Viewers)

I think I know what the problem is.. I installed Windows 10 N, which I thought was the dutch version, but after a quick google search I found out its a windows version without the Media stuff... Will add de Media Pack, available on the windows website. Let you know if that helps [EDIT MAY 31, 2019] installing the Media Pack did not...
I think I know what the problem is.. I installed Windows 10 N, which I thought was the dutch version, but after a quick google...
Hi, A few days ago my computer crashed, the SSD with Windows 10, and Mediaportal 1 stopped working, so I had to reinstall Windows...
Yes, thanks. Found that not only the file name is important, the metadata is also important.
Yes, thanks. Found that not only the file name is important, the metadata is also important.
Found some movie didn't appear in the movie session cover view. If I change it to folder view went into the folder it said no item...
My setting is Automatic and “Sharpen (complex)”
My setting is Automatic and “Sharpen (complex)”
Just did a complete new install of 2.2.1. Rescan TV channels, TV preview in configuration is fine but local or client play having...
It worked! Thank you! MePo2 Configuration window instantly came up and is running after installing the Windows Server Essentials Experience role and the Essentials Media Pack. I am guessing the Media Pack is all that is needed, but it's installation is dependent on the having Essentials Experience role installed. *One downside is...
It worked! Thank you! MePo2 Configuration window instantly came up and is running after installing the Windows Server Essentials...
New install of MP2.2.1 (TV-Server Only) on Windows Server 2012 R2. MP2 completes the initial install with no errors (I get the...
That did the trick, many thanks :)
That did the trick, many thanks :)
I have recently installed MP2 v 2.2.1 (not having ever used MP before) but have discovered an issue with it. When you run the...
From the screen shot posted by the original poster, it looks as though he has a Freeview setup (DVB-T/T2), and not a Freesat setup (DVB-S/S2). For Freeview, the recommendation is to use "BBC1" or "BBC1 HD" as the grabbing channel, and only that channel. Deselect all other TV channels and all radio channels. The following post gives...
From the screen shot posted by the original poster, it looks as though he has a Freeview setup (DVB-T/T2), and not a Freesat setup...
I just migrated from MP1 to MP2 and all seems fine apart from the EPG isn't populating. **EDIT** now appears to be working with...
Well, how embarrassing. I read a post about the red button, and I am pretty sure that I had tried it and it didn't work but, I just tried it and it works! Thanks for getting me to try it again.
Well, how embarrassing. I read a post about the red button, and I am pretty sure that I had tried it and it didn't work but, I...
I've been trying to figure out what the purpose of the Mini EPG is for. Is it possible to disable it somehow? It comes up at...
That did the trick, thank you. I've uninstalled the Avast VPN and restarted MP2.2.1 No doubt Avast can be configured to allow the MP server, but I'm not that fussed! Thanks again! Cheers Ralph
That did the trick, thank you. I've uninstalled the Avast VPN and restarted MP2.2.1 No doubt Avast can be configured to allow the...
MediaPortal 2 Version: 2.2.1 Description I use MP2 with a Hauppauge WinTV-dualHD USB device on Windows 10. This morning MP2.2...
My god, I must be blind. Thanks.
My god, I must be blind. Thanks.
Hi, Is there any way to start MP2 on the secondary screen in a dual monitor setup? In MP1 I was able to select the monitor in the...
I wished you guys would occasionally consider to share such knowledge in a Wiki article...
I wished you guys would occasionally consider to share such knowledge in a Wiki article...
How can I change the subtitle color in MP 2.2.1? In MP1 this can be done via the separate configuration tool. In MP2 the...
IT WORKS... thanks ge2301. It took me a bit to figure it out, although I should have known since I obviously performed this step in MP1... I just forgot. I think what confused me this time is that it is listed under DVB EPG which I thought didn't apply to me since I was using ATSC tuners. Anyway, thanks again.
IT WORKS... thanks ge2301. It took me a bit to figure it out, although I should have known since I obviously performed this step...
I'm working on making the switch from MP1 to MP2 and I've noticed that the only genre color appears in my guide is the one for...
Well of course it turned out to be my fault and something obvious as well! It seems this was caused by me importing into MP 2.2 Server an Export (using the Import/Export functionality) from MP 1.21. After a cleanup and reinstall without do the import all seems to be going well so far. Thanks a lot
Well of course it turned out to be my fault and something obvious as well! It seems this was caused by me importing into MP 2.2...
I really want to try MP2, after what must be at least 10 years of MP1 So I'm now onto my 4th install/uninstall of MP 2.2 and...
Just an update, You were right on this one, after a fresh install of Windows 10 and MP2.2, all issues are resolved. Thanks for your support @HTPCSourcer
Just an update, You were right on this one, after a fresh install of Windows 10 and MP2.2, all issues are resolved. Thanks for...
Hi, I have recently switched from MP1 to MP2 and finding a few anomalies: When I play a tv show in the Series, I often find MP2...
If no channel is visible, it means that you did not define your own channel group, correct? Add „your“ channels to a separate group, then hide AllChannels.
If no channel is visible, it means that you did not define your own channel group, correct? Add „your“ channels to a separate...
Hello guys, I just upgraded my MP installation from MP 1.18 to MP 2.2. Everything’s works almost fine, except my TV settings...
The next version MP 2.2.1 will come with a new Input Manager that consumes HID events. This means that even if your remote doesn't immediately run out of the box, you will nevertheless be able to map every key on your input device, be it remote, keyboard or gamepad, to any MP2 function.
The next version MP 2.2.1 will come with a new Input Manager that consumes HID events. This means that even if your remote doesn't...
I'm a long time MP1 user but have been trying out MP 2.2, looks very good. One thing though I am struggling with is the "Input...
You can't. As there may be only one MP2 Server in a network, the server name is fixed.
You can't. As there may be only one MP2 Server in a network, the server name is fixed.
Hello, I’m trying to change the default server name, which is shown on the Home server page in Connectivity and add a host name...
The next version MP 2.2.1 will come with a new Input Manager that consumes HID events. This means that if your remote doesn't immediately run out of the box, you will nevertheless be able to map every key on your input device, be it remote, keyboard or gamepad, to any MP2 function.
The next version MP 2.2.1 will come with a new Input Manager that consumes HID events. This means that if your remote doesn't...
WMC user with an Ortek VRC-1100 remote (actually a Harmony for everyday use), moving on to Win10 and MP2. All the forum info about...
No problem:). I simply had a big grin on my face when I read your message. Let me know how you did the search. We can add keywords to the WIki entry.
No problem:). I simply had a big grin on my face when I read your message. Let me know how you did the search. We can add keywords...
Hey all I have had a couple of goes at installing MP2 and yes it worked ok, but I was not convinced at that stage. I am now trying...
Hi, Sorry long delay... Thanks for the steer. Bought a new indoor antenna, and yes, picked up all the channels. Old outdoor one only lasted 4 years or so. all set now, cheers:)
Hi, Sorry long delay... Thanks for the steer. Bought a new indoor antenna, and yes, picked up all the channels. Old outdoor one...
Hi, I've got a fresh instal of W10 and fresh instal of MP2. All updates done. My issue is i can't seem to find any channels when...
I have added a few of my media servers and am loving the interface of the new version. Thanks again
I have added a few of my media servers and am loving the interface of the new version. Thanks again
Aloha All, I’ve been using MediaPortal 2 for a couple years but I’ve been running the Summer 15 version I think. I decided to...
That could be a reason, because user management was introduced. Strange thing for me is that I upgraded from a previous MP2.2 version with user management to the final version once. Anyhow my settings were changed. That would be probably better. Ok, I’ll create a Jira for that later and assign you.
That could be a reason, because user management was introduced. Strange thing for me is that I upgraded from a previous MP2.2...
I upgraded from MP 2.1 to 2.2 this weekend. I went through and reconfigured everything. The utility can confirm I can see and hear...
Ouch, my ears :D. For your info: The input management is currently over-worked and will be changed in such way that it accepts HID input from different devices, which can then be mapped to functions and screens.
Ouch, my ears :D. For your info: The input management is currently over-worked and will be changed in such way that it accepts...
IR Receiver blinks red and IR receiver has correct drivers. Wired keyboard and mouse work fine. No mapping shows on abstract remote...
Hi. This feature already is available in MP2. Don't need to look at. You can achieve it by simply use different subfolders for recurring recordings and one time recordings in SetupTV. Here you can set custom file names for recordings. If you add e.g. movies\ before the variable file naming for one time recordiungs and e.g. series\ for...
Hi. This feature already is available in MP2. Don't need to look at. You can achieve it by simply use different subfolders for...
I have MediaPortal 2. Under Videos, there are options for Movies and Series. How do I get things to appear in these listings? I...
Wow....THANKS 1000X!!! I can't believe it was only a matter of running the same video encoder on a card I am using only for audio! Works 100% fine now, sound quality is awesome and I finally have my complete "offnet" solution! I honestly never have received such help on a forum, am so grateful! Thanks again, you rock!!!
Wow....THANKS 1000X!!! I can't believe it was only a matter of running the same video encoder on a card I am using only for audio...
So I read about every existing thread about this issue before posting. I have MP2 installed with TV server. Everything seems setup...
No problem. I prefer it this way than the other. (y) Marking the thread as solved then.
No problem. I prefer it this way than the other. (y) Marking the thread as solved then.
I am a new user, converting from Windows media centre. I would like to record the whole series of university challenge. In media...
Ok, my bad. Immediately visible in the sense that FanArt was not in the plugin list at startup, but no "errors" per se. Simply no images. Unexpected.
Ok, my bad. Immediately visible in the sense that FanArt was not in the plugin list at startup, but no "errors" per se. Simply no...
Could you please post some screenshots of the library view sorted by actor for e.g.? Either it is not working for me the way you...
thanks. I'm still working through that. Seems i have some sort of .NET framework issue. The Win .NET File Repair tool says it cant fix the errors, plus ive tryed another .NET Cleanup tool that seemed to work, but the the Windows tool reported it was still unable to fix. Appears Windows 10 is very hard to delete .NET. I'll report...
thanks. I'm still working through that. Seems i have some sort of .NET framework issue. The Win .NET File Repair tool says it cant...
I've run Reg Healer as was suggested previously, and restarted, plus updated latest Windows Updates, but getting the same install...
Ok, the mc2xml using the MC version is broken. I found this for working with zap2it using a different parsing tool zap2xml xmltv install / configure for ATSC / OTA U.S.A Maybe this will help the next WMC user to get the guide to work. I bet if I went with my gut to go with TitanTV instead of trying to replicate the WMC guide, I...
Ok, the mc2xml using the MC version is broken. I found this for working with zap2it using a different parsing tool zap2xml xmltv...
Hello, Looking to move my Win7 Ultimate WMC box to a Win10Pro OS and started here with MP2. Got the live TV, OTA ATSC tuning...
Thank you so much, that solved the problem. Keep up the good work.
Thank you so much, that solved the problem. Keep up the good work.
How do you delete media in Media Portal2? I have just started to use MP2 in place of MP1. I have a major issue with MP2 in that it...
Excellent. :)
Excellent. :)
Hi. I have been running multiseat MP1 for many years and decided to trial MP2. and have been running in a constant issue with MP2...
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