MediaPortal 1 Skins (111 Viewers)

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i only changed the columns so that you only have to click one times on right (to get fullscreen). Not more :)
i only changed the columns so that you only have to click one times on right (to get fullscreen). Not more :)
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It's so cozy and nice. If this doesn't get me in the Christmas spirit I don't know what will! :) Thanks a lot kiwi, and so quickly after the big release also.
It's so cozy and nice. If this doesn't get me in the Christmas spirit I don't know what will! :) Thanks a lot kiwi, and so...
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Hi All, Just wanted to say - great work by the team on this it looks really nice. I was disappointed by the new default skin after Blue3 was removed, although Avalon made up for it... ...but this looks like exactly what MP needs, which is something that looks like a polished product "out of the box". Now, finally time to get that 16:9...
Hi All, Just wanted to say - great work by the team on this it looks really nice. I was disappointed by the new default skin after...
From the team that brought you Maya & Avalon comes a brand new skin called: Titan Based very lightly on Avalon but with an...
Ok got ya! Yep, button3part has an overlay texture but it is only used for the inside of the button. To do this, you would essentially need to create an individually coded overlay for each of these buttons. And as you said, one for each different size if you wanted to avoid stretching. This of course then wouldn't work if a plugin...
Ok got ya! Yep, button3part has an overlay texture but it is only used for the inside of the button. To do this, you would...
I'm currently working on a skin specifically for desktop use with a 16:10 monitor (based upon DefaultWide), but I'm having some...
Thought that might be the case, tried just about every animation option with no luck
Thought that might be the case, tried just about every animation option with no luck
Im trying to get a slide animation repeated each time a new item is focused, the items i want to slide are not the focused items...
Hello, Thank you very much for your answer. I can now do what I wanted. Good evening. Cordially.
Hello, Thank you very much for your answer. I can now do what I wanted. Good evening. Cordially.
Hi, I introduce myself, my name is Patrick and I use MediaPortal recently. The StreamedMP Skin suited me, but I want to have the...
MP1 MP2 Error at StreamedMP DE
Hi, similar message @my HTPC. But it seems, the problem is Worldweather, which doesn't do it work right, maybe i dont configurate it correctly. Every xx Minutes, a message says sth like "problem with weather from yahoo". So, I have uncheckt all boxes @ the WW Plugin, so i dont get any notifications, deleted all my inputs...
Hi, similar message @my HTPC. But it seems, the problem is Worldweather, which doesn't do it work right, maybe i dont configurate...
Hi, since I installed StreamedMP I get this error: Here are the error details: Informationen über das Aufrufen von...
Hi, I have a problem when viewing weather images within Maya HD where all images aren't scaling properly...... ......what am I doing wrong? Also, after installing Maya HD I uninstalled Maya but the Maya config still appears in the MP config?...... Thanks in advance. Regards.
Hi, I have a problem when viewing weather images within Maya HD where all images aren't scaling properly...... ......what...
Hi, I have a problem when viewing weather images within Maya HD where all images aren't scaling properly...... ......what...
hi to everybidy! can i also set the fanart on the last mediaportal?
hi to everybidy! can i also set the fanart on the last mediaportal?
Hi As you may know there has been a “small feature” in My Tvseries Plugin called FanArt, maybe you have herd of it :) When the...
Hi Niroth81, with my very very very very little experience in skinning I'll try to give you my little help; you can edit only video section working on the following files: myvideo.xml -> this files is for video shares view and contains the thumbnail preview on the left for video shares view (from line 320 in mustayaluca xml file)...
Hi Niroth81, with my very very very very little experience in skinning I'll try to give you my little help; you can edit only video...
Hi Guys, I'm not a skinner but would like just a bit of help. I use Mustayaluca and absolutely love it, but I would like to know...
New problem I really can't fix.. Here is the result with the foreground in coverflow.. The problem is now that it overlaps some other things.. In this case the weather icon at the right top and the MP logo at the left upper corner.. Anyone an idea how I can get these items on top again? Would be nice because I'm almost ready!!
New problem I really can't fix.. Here is the result with the foreground in coverflow.. The problem is now that it overlaps some...
Hi guys, I'm busy with the skinfiles of Avallonis and want to fix some problems I have with coverflow.. What I want: The...
MP1 MP2 Backdrop - Skin (RELEASED!!!) (7 Viewers) DE
can someone help we with a an easy config? I want to remove or decrease the fade effect in the moving pictures thumb view. I want the none-selected movies to be more visable! Also, isn't there a back button in this skin? :(
can someone help we with a an easy config? I want to remove or decrease the fade effect in the moving pictures thumb view. I want...
Hi, I have no time to Work on this skin and have decided that keeping the fanarthandler plugin, the latestmediahandler plugin, the...
With TV Info I would prefer to see the Programm description directly, without need to push "up". Is it possible to modify or add an option for the "Info Screen" (Information/Text of current programm) of TV, so it's allways expanded / is the first one to displayed? Or what I have to modify, to show instead of the "standard" OSD...
With TV Info I would prefer to see the Programm description directly, without need to push "up". Is it possible to modify or add...
With TV Info I would prefer to see the Programm description directly, without need to push "up". Is it possible to modify or add...
MP1 MP2 Skinning question DE
Visibility icw string.equals works great! However, <height>iif(string.equals(#btWeb.statusvisible, true), 576, 476)</height> gives me a "GUIControlFactory.Create: iif(string.equals(#btWeb.StatusVisible, true), 576, 476) is not a valid value for Int32." So I have to calculate the remaining space according to the height of the...
Visibility icw string.equals works great! However, <height>iif(string.equals(#btWeb.statusvisible, true), 576, 476)</height>...
Hi all, I'm trying to figure if, and how it's possible to do the following: In browsetheweb, there is an option to show/hide a...
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I use Microsoft's XML Notepad 2007. It's free and I like being able to use multiple copies and drag-copy code across xmls. Others use Notepad++ (don't remember exactly)
I use Microsoft's XML Notepad 2007. It's free and I like being able to use multiple copies and drag-copy code across xmls. Others...
I was working on some skins some time ago but never released one, mainly because I don't have a TV service and thus don't use that...
i'm looking forward to testing the skin. Weiter so! :)
i'm looking forward to testing the skin. Weiter so! :)
We are workin' hard and so we have new screenshots and yes WE: wizard123 is already a part of the team come and join the...
MP1 MP2 Skin Desing Help! DE
Yes, I think a lot of things he tells me is pretty whack.
Yes, I think a lot of things he tells me is pretty whack.
Help Hi skinners. I am developing an skin for MediaPortal last version (MediaHome skin project) and I have a little problem on my...
When I last did that it only kept that setting till restart. Don't know if it is still the case, it's been an long time...
When I last did that it only kept that setting till restart. Don't know if it is still the case, it's been an long time...
Is it alright for me to install 2 different skins at once or will that make my MP less stable in any way? I usually use StreamedMP...
I fixed the screenshot in the first post (wouldn't even show up in my photobucket) though it looks lacking in sharpness. First thanks for the code though I believe I didn't present my issue well in my previous posts. Going by the first screenshot up above I'd like to have the video list not display any thumbnail for video files...
I fixed the screenshot in the first post (wouldn't even show up in my photobucket) though it looks lacking in sharpness. First...
Still a work in progress obviously but I had some problems I was hoping to get help with. I'll get around to uploading screenshots...
thanks! I didn't want to hitchhike this thread so I did post them and started one of my own yesterday.
thanks! I didn't want to hitchhike this thread so I did post them and started one of my own yesterday...
Hi, just changed my Client1 from HDD to SDD and Win764Bit. During normal operation it happens from time to time that the blue...
MP1 MP2 Hyperlink help DE
Never mind I found it in the skin folder in the xmi for the plug in
Never mind I found it in the skin folder in the xmi for the plug in
Im trying to change my basic home screen and I can't figger out how to find what hyperlink goes to what I've look at the forum and...
Notepad and the myrefresh plugin. Two monitors helps. You need to install the myrefresh plugin, get the MyNetflix xml's in the skin directory for avalon. Then load my netflix. It will probably be screwy looking. Then open the various my netflix xml's and start adjusting the x and y positions for various elements. Hit the refresh key...
Notepad and the myrefresh plugin. Two monitors helps. You need to install the myrefresh plugin, get the MyNetflix xml's in the skin...
I am working on a mod for black glass nova HD to enable Netflix navigation similar in style to moving pictures or tvseries. I have...
MP1 MP2 Polish TV Logo DE
Polish TV logo in another style
Polish TV logo in another style
Hi This is a pack of TV logos from Poland in png file format 300x300 4FUN.png ALE KINO.png ANIMAL PLANET.png ASTER.png...
MP1 MP2 Skins with submenus DE
+1 for Avallonis (also has submenus).
+1 for Avallonis (also has submenus).
Hi everybody, I'm actually using StreamedMP skin. What I most like of it is the possibility of make submenus visible in the home...
I think I may have found a bug on the multiimage section (or just not using it correctly ;) ) when I use <control> <id>110</id> <description>moving picutes image button</description> <type>multiimage</type> <posX>50</posX> <posY>200</posY> <width>145</width> <height>145</height>...
I think I may have found a bug on the multiimage section (or just not using it correctly ;) ) when I use <control>...
Hi All, I am very new to skin design within Mediaportal and was wondering if someone could give me some advise as to how to have...
If I understand you correctly this is how zoom is done I believe. <animation effect="zoom" start="100,100" end="110,110" time="300">focus</animation> <animation effect="zoom" start="110,110" end="100,100" time="300">unfocus</animation>
If I understand you correctly this is how zoom is done I believe. <animation effect="zoom" start="100,100" end="110,110"...
Okay... I've spent some time looking in the wiki, but no joy. How do you turn off the zoom of a button when it focuses? Some...
Thank you Chuck for the answer, I understand what you tell me, but I'd still like to try it, maybe in another way. The problem is that I'm too new in MediaPortal, and don't know enough about it. Can I fit two versions (normal and minimyzed) of the normal TV guide in MediaPortal? Maybe creating a new submenu item in the TV one, with...
Thank you Chuck for the answer, I understand what you tell me, but I'd still like to try it, maybe in another way. The problem is...
Hy everybody, I'm new in MediaPortal and it's great, much better than the WMCE I come from. Tried some diferrent skins and I'm...
Anyone please??
Anyone please??
Hi guys, I'm busy with a huge mod for StreamedMP.. (I hope to can surprise you guys in a few weeks, maybe months) it will have a...
Cool, that did work, I also found a bug in my code meaning the value was never initialised too. Thanks for the help so quickly!
Cool, that did work, I also found a bug in my code meaning the value was never initialised too. Thanks for the help so quickly!
Hi All, I am trying to write a plugin and I am getting stuck at the skinning stage, I am just trying to write the output of a bit...
Hi, I have no time to Work on this skin and have decided that keeping the fanarthandler plugin, the latestmediahandler plugin, the Avallonis skin up to date is all I can manage. If someone want's to take over this skin, please let me know. Best regards Cul8er
Hi, I have no time to Work on this skin and have decided that keeping the fanarthandler plugin, the latestmediahandler plugin, the...
Hi, I have no time to Work on this skin and have decided that keeping the fanarthandler plugin, the latestmediahandler plugin, the...
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